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"Lady Majka, we haven't seen the Millennium Falcon on our scopes since they entered the astroid field. Considering the amount of damage we've sustained, they're tiny ship must've been destroyed." Captain Needa told Majka.

"No, Captain." She still felt them, they were still here in the system, "They are still alive. I want every available ship sweeping the field until they are found."

"But, my Lady, we are losing ships quickly out there-" he argued.

"Then maybe you should get better pilots, Captain Needa." Majka snapped back, "We're not leaving until we find them again."

She turned off the transmission and turned around to see Admiral Piett. Majka sighed, she needed to start putting bells on these people.

"Lady Majka." Admiral Piett said. His face pale and Majka felt his uneasiness.

"What is it now, Admiral?" Majka said, getting a headache from all the people coming to her for issues.

"The Emperor commands you make contact with him." Piett told. That explains the uneasiness. Majka now felt it, as well.

"Move the ship out of the astroid field so we can make a clear transmission." Majka demanded, preparing herself.

"Yes, my Lady." Piett left.

Majka closed her eyes. The last time she spoke to the Emperor was when he tortured her endlessly for the destruction of the first Death Star.

In her head she felt the screaming, the ringing in her ears that she experienced. She wanted to shut it all out. The Emperor knew how to get into her head so easily. He thinks that he can torture her into submission, it's worked the last 21 years but not anymore.

She went to the room the transmission was set up in. She knelt before him, she couldn't look up at his face that was enlarged on the hologram.

"What is thy bidding, my Master." Majka uttered, trying to make him happy for now as she was playing on his terms.

"There is a great disturbance in the force." The Emperor's cracking voice told Majka.

"I have felt it." Majka hesitantly told the Emperor. Majka closed off her mind of her thoughts, deciding to play dumb.

"We have a new enemy, the young rebel pilot who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin and (Y/L/N) Skywalker." The Emperor told.

"How is that possible?" Majka asked. A reasonable question, considering he told Majka they all died. But he made no mention of Anakin, the rebels were hiding him well.

"Search your feelings, Lady Majka, you know it to be true." The Emperor rose his head, "He has the power to destroy us."

"I will handle it, Master. He's only a boy, Obi-Wan can no longer help him." Majka assured him.

"The Force is unusually strong with him. We cannot allow the son of the Skywalkers to become a Jedi." The Emperor said. At the mention of Jedi she snarled.

"If he could be turned, he would be a most powerful ally." Majka attempted, she still held such hatred for the Order who failed her. She doesn't want her son to be confined the way she was.

"Yes, yes, he would. Can it be done?" The Emperor asked.

"He will join us, or die, my Master." Majka looked up.

"Be warned my Apprentice, if Luke Skywalker is alive, there would be reason for Anakin Skywalker to live as well." The Emperor told, "If it is true, find him and kill the one who is prophesied to destroy us."

"It shall be done, my Master." She gritted through her teeth. She saw as the transmission of the Emperors permanently yellow eyes faded away as if they were the bruises on her skin.


"Look, I'm sure it's delicious. I just don't understand why we can't go see Yoda now." Luke complained to the little green creature he had met on Dagobah.

"Patience! For the Jedi it is time to eat as well. Eat, eat. Hot!" The green creature warned from the other side of his home as Luke took a taste and he was right it was very hot.

"How far away is Yoda? Will it take us long to get there?" Luke asked as he served himself more soup then moved himself into a cramped corner.

"Not far. Yoda not far. Patience, soon you will be with him." The green creature laughed to himself, "Why wish you become Jedi? Hm?"

"Mainly because of my father, I suppose." Luke shrugged. He didn't see the reason to go into much detail for the green mysterious creature.

"Ah, your father. Powerful Jedi, was he, powerful Jedi. Your mother, likely so." Yoda nodded, remembering the two.

"Oh come on, how could you possibly know my parents? You don't even know me." Luke was tired and for the first time he realized how unreliable his source was to come here. While he was freezing to death the image of his fathers Master came to him and told him to come here? "Oh, I don't even know what I'm doing here. We're wasting our time!" Luke was fed up, putting his bowl down and burying his head in his hands.

"I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience." The green creature speaks calm, ending his acting.

"He will learn patience." Obi-Wan's voice came out of thin air. Luke looked up, he heard it. It dawned on him: this was Yoda.

"Hmmmm. Much anger in him, like his mother." Yoda grumbles.

"Was I any different at the beginning of my training? Anakin was no different. Patience can be taught." Obi-Wan voiced.

"Not ready." Yoda turned to face Luke.

"Yoda..." Luke was astonished, he had assumed all Jedi would be like his father and Obi-Wan. Never considering anything else, "I am ready! I can be a Jedi. Obi-Wan, tell him I'm ready. I just-!" Then he bonked his head on the roof.

"Ready, are you?  What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained! A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind." Yoda told Luke about his ideal student. Then turned back to talk to Obi-Wan, "This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm?  What he was doing.  Hmph.  Adventure.  Heh!  Excitement.  Heh!  A Jedi craves not these things." Then turns back to Luke: "You are reckless!"

"So was I, if you'll remember." Obi-Wan reminds him, "Anakin, as well."

"Reckless, Anakin is." Yoda pointed out. "Too old, he is. Yes, too old to begin the training."

"But I've learned so much." Luke pleads, acknowledging the knowledge that Anakin has already given him. Yoda looks at him with piercing eyes as if he could tell with a single look all he had actually learned, no doubt he could.

"Will he finish what he begins?" Yoda asks Obi-Wan, "Much of his mother I sense in him. Properly trained, he must be."

"My mother? She was a Jedi?" Luke questioned, realizing he knew nothing about his mother. He wished to know.

Yoda couldn't respond, he found it not his place to tell a son that his mother has become the most feared figure in the Galaxy.

"I won't fail you. I'm not afraid." Luke tells him, brushing off the subject for the more important matter.

"Oh-you will be." Yoda assures him, seeing what his future held for him, "You will be."

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