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Anakin walked back to the Rebel docking bay to join his friends. He really had no idea what he was doing, arguably that's how he worked best. He needed distraction, he needed to get. Loser to his wife without thinking too much. Thinking seemed to be his worst nightmare.

Anakin sped up a bit, eager to find a distraction from his current situation when he spotted The Millennium Falcon resting just beyond the stolen imperial shuttle, which would be his ride. Chewie barks a final farewell to Lando and leads Artoo and Threepio up the shuttle. His children weren't anywhere in sight yet. Anakin worked his way through the crowd Lando was talking to Han not too far away from Anakin and he could overhear the conversation.

"Right. I got your promise now. Not a scratch." Han nodded, trusting his friend.

"Hey, the Falcon used to be my ship, remember? I've flown that hunk of junk through more tough spots than you have." Lando chuckled, reminiscing.

"This one'll be the toughest, Lando." Han warmly looked at his friend, knowing full well this could be the last time he's seeing him.

"What's it look like, I'm fresh off a moisture farm?" Lando joked, and Anakin approached just then.

"If only you could be so lucky." Anakin smiled, Lando for a second thought he was caught. But after seeing Anakin's warm demeanor, he smiled and brought him in for a hug.

"You're right." Lando nodded, Lando always seemed so nice, but Anakin had a thing about always being skeptical of politicians for the last few years.

"Not a scratch!" Han repeated.

"Look, would you get going? I'll see you soon." Lando waved the two men off. Han and Lando pause, knowing this really could be their last time but couldn't admit it, then exchange salutes.

"Good luck." Lando nods to the two men.

"You, too." Anakin nodded, respectfully.

"Clear skies, Lando." Han said, turning around with Anakin beside him. When Lando is out of ear shot, Han sighed, "I'm not getting that ship back, am I?"

"Probably not for another 30 years, maybe." Anakin patted his friend on the back, joking but Han wasn't so sure.

Han muttered an expletive then went up the ramp. Lando watched them go from his own dock and then slowly turns away.

When the two friends entered the ship, Anakin was met with Luke, who was working on a back control panel. Han took the pilot seat next to Chewie. Leia sat in the seat behind Han, and next to Luke. Anakin sat on the floor between his two droids.

"You got her warmed?" Han asked.

"Yeah, she's comin' up." Luke said, sitting down now, he turned back to his father then, "Hey, why did Mon Mothma speak to you?"

"Nothing you need to be worried about." Anakin weakly smiled, Luke barely believed it.

"You sure about that?" Luke pushed.

"Let's just focus on the mission, son. That's what you need to worry about right now." Anakin held onto his shoulder and Luke nodded, having to bite his cheeks to hold back.

Chewie growled a complaint then, bringing away the attention.

"No. I don't think the Empire had Wookiees in mind when they designed her, Chewie." Han was waiting for the engine to turn over when Han saw Luke's hand peak from his glove, "How's that hand, Luke?"

"It's fine." Luke shrugged at the question, clenching and releasing his fist. It was fine. It reminded Anakin of what (Y/N) did to their son, even when she had her memories. That question just kept ringing in his mind.

If it comes down to the wire, your wife doesn't remember you, who do you stand by?

"You know, we've got plenty of spare blasters, Luke. You don't have to limit yourself-" Han suggested, but Luke had heard that so many times.

"The lightsaber is the only weapon a Jedi needs. Thanks anyway, Han." Luke shrugged it off. Anakin's ears perked up, he sounded just like a textbook Jedi. The kind that (Y/N) said she would never want her child to live as.

"Huh." Han himself noticed Luke's dramatic shift from Hoth. Han was a bit thrown by the tremendous change in Luke since he saw him last, at Hoth.

"Artoo says Major Derlin reports his commandos are secured for launch." 3PO translated R2's beeps.

Han's glance was stuck on something out the window: the Millennium Falcon. He felt weird not riding her into battle. It didn't feel right. Leia nudges him gently.

"Hey, are you awake?" Leia knelt by his ear, whispering ever so gently that it sent a chill down Han's spine.

"Yeah, I just got a funny feeling. Like I'm not gonna see her again." Han kept his stone manner.

Chewie, hearing this, stopped his activity and looked longingly out at the Falcon, too. Leia put a hand on Han's shoulder.

"Come on, General, let's move." Leia said, and Han was reminded his task was too great to stay on sentiments.

"Right." Han snapped back, "Chewie, let's see what this piece of junk can do. Ready, everybody?"

"All set." Luke smiled.

"Here we go again." 3PO shook his head.

Then their stolen Imperial shuttle lifts up and leaves the main docking bay of the Headquarters Frigate and lowers its wings into flight position.

"All right, hang on." Han shifted the shuttle into hyperspace. And off they went.


Darth Majka walked into the dimly lit control room. There, in the pool of light near the throne, the Emperor sits in an elaborate control chair before a large window which looks out across the half-completed Death Star to the giant green moon of Endor.

Standing along the edges are the other members of the Imperial council, cautiously awaiting the Emperors word. The ruler's back is to Majka. After several tense moments, the Emperor's chair rotates around to face him.

"What is thy bidding, my Master?" Majka kneels to her master.

"Send the fleet to the far side of Endor. There it will stay until called for." The Emperor ordered, happy with his pets remodel.

"What of the reports of the Rebel fleet massing near Sullust?" She asked, wondering why he seemed to have no worry.

"It is of no concern. Soon the Rebellion will be crushed and the Skywalkers will be one of us." The Emperor appeared to have not a care in the world. He smiled down at Majka's obedience, but he was tired of her defiance, "Your work here is finished, my friend. Go out to the command ship and await my orders."

"Yes, my Master." Majka understood, standing and then bowing to her master. But as she turned to walk out she knew what that meant. She had no idea why the Skywalkers were of so much importance, but now she knew: they were meant to replace her.

And she would never let that happen.

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