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"Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold." Boba Fett demanded.

The group, with Lando leading and not nearly going fast enough to get to the east platform, fell across a lost and familiar droid. R2 beeped at Anakin's heels.

"R2?" Anakin fell back to run alongside him, "It's good to see you buddy... where's Luke?"

R2 beeped a confused beep, as if to say he didn't know. Anakin was conflicted, he had to save his son, but he also needed to be there for his daughter. Being a dad was hard.

Luckily they had just approached the platform that held Slave I, as it took off. Anakin, Leia, and Chewie shot at it with their blasters but it was no use. Leia stared in longing as she felt the feeling of Han rip off her skin.

She didn't have much time to contemplate, as almost immediately a new issue came. Blasts went past them as two stormtroopers revealed themselves inside the city. Anakin decided he would stay with them long enough to get his daughter and her friends out, then he would go back for his son and wife.


Majka swung him back, Majka was surprised. For no training in combat, he was fairing well.

"You have learned much." She commented.

"You'll find I'm full of surprises." Luke smiled in response and fought again, harder. His natural fighting style reflected that of a padawan Anakin. Which was sad, because Majka knew all his best moves.

Very quickly after, Majka was able to disarm the young boy. The woman noticed he was using the lightsaber of (Y/N) (Y/L/N), just the sight of it brought back a portion of herself. She grazed his wrist in the process and sent him tumbling down the stairs. Majka followed, gracefully and slowly, she knew he would need to follow her.

"Your destiny, it lies with me, Skywalker." Majka said, her lightsaber still ignited to use the fear tactic, "Obi-Wan and Anakin, they knew this to be true."

"No." Luke held a strong stance, but Majka knew it wouldn't do him much good.

She stepped forward and pushed him into the chamber behind him. She heard him scream and she paused, her mother instincts telling her she needed to stop.

"I'm sorry." She muttered, more to herself than to Luke. But she looked over at the lever and pulled it. The cold fog emanating from the chamber. "Perhaps you are not as strong as the Emperor thought."

She stood above the chamber, hoping what she said wasn't true. If she brought Luke to the Emperor, he would turn. But if he wasn't strong, the Emperor would lose faith. He would have to fight Majka and need to be defeated or triumph. Both of those options had one of them dead, (Y/N) knew she couldn't ever bare that.

She heard a struggle above her, looking up she found Luke holding onto wires and thick tubes. She shook her head, "Impressive." She cut one of the nearby tubes as a scare tactic, "Most impressive."

Luke hopped down and grabbed the tube his mother cut and flung it in her face. She was startled by the blast of cold air flung at her open eyes. Momentarily she thought her face had truly frozen. But after wiping it she felt normal, her heightened eyes adjusting quick enough to clash her lightsaber again with Luke's.

"Anakin has trained you well." She searched the young boy, not finding much fear inside him the only thing she could find is the hatred, "You have controlled your fear." Luke didn't speak back, only clashing his saber more.

"Now! Release your anger!" Majka almost begged, "Only your hatred can destroy me!" They fought more, Majka wasn't sure which side of her she wanted to win. She knew her son didn't know the truth about his mother. If he didn't, he could destroy her and end her misery and he could live victorious. But her darkness, her self preservation fought as it always had, using every bit of craved pain to fuel her strength.

Luke kicked Majka down off the platform. He paused a moment there, taking in himself. Feeling the force around him to take a moment to try and stay calm. Then jumped down after her. When he arrived at the bottom, she was gone. But he trusted his instinct down a circular passageway that lit when he entered. When leaving, the gate behind him closed showing that as a better sign than any that Majka was in the room.

Holding his lightsaber, he crept until he saw a flying object target his back. Luke sliced it in a moment then turned back to see Majka standing before him. She noticed that he was angered by the object, she didn't want to fight him. She wanted to anger him.

Majka flew multiple objects his way, at first it was easy, then hard, then tiring as Luke just aimlessly swung until the object flew past him and into the glass window. The window broke, sucking out the air and pulling on Luke and Majka. Majka was closest to a pillar and held on hard. Luke held on, but after exhausting his strengths he was taken off through the window.


Leia shot back into a troopers chest. Anakin did the same, easily as Lando rushed them to an elevator. They rushed through the halls taking a shortcut to the Millenium Falcon.

"The security code has been changed." Lando complained, plugging it in a number of times then went to go make an announcement.

"R2! You can tell the computer to override the security systems!" 3PO reminded him. Anakin came back from standing guard just in time to see R2 placing his port above the power socket.

"R2, don't! That's a power socket not-" Anakin tried but it was too late as R2 was shown briefly smoking and getting a circuit of electricity. They're lucky he wasn't shorted.

"This way." Lando insisted. R2 beeped in annoyance at 3PO.

"Don't look at me! I'm an interpreter. I'm not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal." 3PO sassed back.

The only thing Lando's announcement helped was that it was much easier to get lost in a crowd. But nonetheless the troopers were close on their tails.

"Here, R2!" Anakin pointed to the terminal, while the increasing amount of troopers attacked them, "You don't happen to have my lightsaber in that cape of yours, would you?"

"The Empire took it." Lando said quickly

"No! We're not interested in the hyperdrive on the Millenium Falcon, it's fixed!" 3PO shut down R2, "Just open the door, you stupid Lut!"

"Play nice!" Anakin scolded 3PO, firing back at the troopers in defence.

Then finally, it was as if Heaven had revealed itself as the door opened, "I never doubted you for a second, wonderful!" 3PO exclaimed as Anakin pulled Leia away from the front lines.

"Go, go, go!" Anakin rushed them to stay in front of him. He waited for R2 even as he decided to help more with a thick layer of fog then pushed him on.

"Anakin, come on!" Lando yelled. But Anakin stayed behind the door. He waved to them one last time and shut the door to the platform, separating the group and the troopers. With Anakin inside, ready to fight some more.

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