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Leia needed to sit. Learning her mother was the dark being who tortured her and so many of her friends, the one who destroyed her home and family was so much to take in. Anakin kneeled down to her level.

"I know." Anakin said, breathing a little heavy. It was somewhat of a relief to let someone know, but also terrifying, "Not that it excuses anything she's done but-"

"You're right it doesn't excuse any-" Leia interrupts then Anakin interrupts her.

"Leia, you have to understand that is not your mother. Your mother is kind, beautiful, she had this fire that made you listen. Not the kind of flame that burns in her now, but it was spunk and she was such a skilled warrior. She was fiercely loyal and dedicated. Sure, she hated sharing her own issues but she listened to everything you said and really cared about it. She helped so many systems during the war." Anakin calmed Leia, "The Emperor has done something to her. She wanted to help, and they used her kindness and love against her. Darth Majka, that thing they created is not your mother and is not my wife. I don't know what they did, and I don't want to know how. I will get your mother, (Y/N) Skywalker back. She loved and wanted you kids more than anything. I was put on this galaxy to bring balance to the Force, you have my word that I will do that and save your mother."

Leia didn't say anything. She just sat there, her head throbbing with all the information. Her mind was like a debunker as she tried to compare the eyes from her memory to the eyes of her interrogator. They were the same shape, color, and shade. (Y/N)'s eyes were not yellow, they weren't filled with rage only the broken pieces of her. These eyes she saw were beautiful.

"Is there any more I can answer for you?" Anakin asked.

Leia shook her head no.

"Okay." Anakin got up, swallowing his guts. "You can always talk to me. And I'm sorry, so sorry. This, what happened to our family, is a weight I will always hold on my shoulders."

Anakin shut the door of the cockpit, leaving Leia in there alone. Anakin went back to work to help Han and Chewie. It must've been less than 3 minutes before Leia screamed.

Anakin dropped everything at the startling scream. Leia came running in: "There's something out there."

"Where?" Han asked, removing his safety glasses.

"Outside, in the cave." She pointed. Then a large sharp noise came from outside the ship. Anakin felt the malicious presence.

"There it is! Listen, listen!" 3PO exclaimed.

"Mynock." Anakin whispered, he sensed the creatures. He experienced the creatures on Vancor during the war.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Han seethed, "I'm going out there."

"What do you mean you're going out there?!" Leia fumed after him. Han grabs the oxygen mask before opening the door, and Leia follows him.

"I just got this bucket of bolts back together. I'm not going to let something tear it apart." Han explained.

"Then I'm going with you." Leia grabbed her own mask as Chewie also grabbed another. The partners grabbed their lightsaber.

"Well, I've never been one to stay behind." Anakin sighed, grabbing the last mask and readying is light saber.

"The ground sure does feel strange, it doesn't feel like rock." Leia said as she stamped her foot onto a gooier floor than expected.

"There's an awful lot of moisture in here." Han pointed out.

"I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this." Leia said, Anakin felt it too.

"Yeah." Anakin agreed. This cave was definitely not a cave. Before he could say anything, Han found the leathery creature.

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