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"We'll stay back far enough to cover you." Biggs said, snapping Anakin back to the mission, Anakin listened to the comlink to get mind off of her.

"My scope shows the tower but I can't see the Exhaust Port! Are you sure the computer can hit it?" Biggs questioned, Anakin heard the strain in his voice. He was struggling. With all the massive fire he never realized how much more difficult that is without the Force.

"Watch yourself! Increase speed to full throttle!" Luke demands, noticing the TIEs gaining on them.

"What about the tower, Luke?" Biggs asked again. He didn't have full faith in the plan.

"Father, can you hit it?" Luke asked.

"This isn't my job, Luke." Anakin responded, "You're in front, this is all you."

"Is the computer going to hit it?" Biggs asked again, getting anxious.

"You worry about those fighters, I'll worry about that tower!" Luke said, he smiled to himself, turning on his firing computer.

When it wouldn't come out Luke noticed his stabilizer was broken again. He was doing it manually which would be fine if he didn't have to blow up the Death Star at the same time.

"R2, that stabilizer has broken loose again. Do you think you could fix that?" Luke asked.

"Fighters, coming in at point-three." Anakin announced.

Majka sized up on them. She knew which one held her family. Two of them, the one at front and one on left. Majka's first goal was to get rid of the one that didn't hold any family. For some reason she struggled. She found it so extremely hard to allow her hands to fire.

"Lady Majka, are you alright?" TIE 2 asked.

"I'm alright TIE 2. Close up formation." She ordered.

Then she fired a few shots to the back of Biggs X-Wing.

"Hurry, Luke. You've got to get up faster otherwise we can't hold 'em!" Anakin advised.

"R2, try to increase the power!" Luke ordered back.

"I'm hit!" Biggs said, feeling the bump in his flight.

"Get out of here then, you can't do any good down here with a hurt ship." Anakin told him.

"Wait!" Biggs rushed,

"Biggs get out!" Luke yelled.

"Wait!-" and then his signal went off line. Anakin felt the heat coming off his explosion.

(Y/N), stop. Anakin called out. It was dangerous, but she had to stop.

Luke had to brush it off. He took out his scope and hoped to be close enough to fire. He had to keep going fast to avoid the TIE fighter. Anakin amused them in the back.

Use the force, Luke.

It was there again. Obi-Wan's voice. Luke ignored it for a moment, looking back at his scope but it came back:

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