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The stone woman strode down the halls of her battleship. Her prized possession. The Death Star was her way of security. Something she hadn't had in a very long time.

Darth Majka strode the halls breathing heavily. Keeping the pain under her skin a dear secret. Keeping her pain as a way to inflict on others, considering that has become her only duty.

Such a Dark Lady, with only darker insides.

Inside she's screaming. That little part of her she wishes she could squash. That identity she no longer wants to claim but somehow cannot die. The name that keeps being whispered down her spine like a drop of cold water slowly traveling down her skin.

But she holds her stone cold expression. Nobody here could hold the amount of pain she does. And she keeps this to herself, too. Because telling them they couldn't handle her pain, is a confession that she feels at all. She keeps everything to herself.

"Majka." Tarkin regained her focus. Grand Moff Tarkin was hardly a friend to her. But he knew her. He knew who she was before so therefore he was closer to her than any of these officers here.

She has a respect for the man. Their military tactics have always been similar, and he's managed to be the only officer that doesn't piss her off. He's a piece of her past that she clings to. When she talks to him it's not like she's Darth Majka, but General (Y/L/N).

"Majka, we're holding this meeting to make sure that officers don't blow up at us later. I want this meeting to go smoothly. We cannot keep losing members, if you understand what I mean." Tarkin explained to her his intentions.

"You have my word." Majka cocked an eyebrow in amusement. That's all this was to her. She's been playing with these officers.

".. The rebels will continue to gain support in the Imperial Senate and-" One of officers argued so loud it could be heard in the hall.

"The Imperial Senate will no longer be an issue for us." Tarkin with Majka entered the meeting, "We've just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently and immediately. As of today the last remanence of the Old Republic have been swept away."

"That's impossible. How can the Emperor maintain control without the Senate?" The same officer retorted, oh how much she wanted to snap his neck.

"The Regional Governors now have direct control over their territories." Tarkin explained, "Fear will keep them in line, fear of this battle station."

"What about the Rebellion?" The same officer kept talking, "If the Rebels have received an entire technical read of this battle station, it is possible that they could launch an attack."

"An attack? On this battle station?" One of the newer officers rose an eyebrow, new guy. Majka has to wonder a second to try and remember why she killed the last one.

"It is possible, however unlikely that they could find a weakness and exploit it." The annoying officer said.

Majka debated the argument for a moment. As annoying as the officer was he had a solid point. It was the same fear she herself had this entire time.

"The plans will soon be in our possession again, as well as the location of the Rebel base. We have captured Princess Leia of Alderaan and she will tell us." Majka told the group.

"Any attack made by the Rebels would be a useless gesture. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe." Admiral Motti said.

Majka stared at him. She hated his arrogance, his ignorance. This battle station was not invincible. Nothing was, well, nothing but the Force. That was something that could never die. Everything else in the Galaxy could die. She could die. They could die. Her friends, family, apprentice, all of them. They could all die. This battle station can be destroyed, the Rebels have the plans to find out how.

"I suggest we use it." Admiral Motti rose an eyebrow. Their thirst for blood disgusted Majka. Majka killed when she was angry, when someone was stupid, when someone got in her way, for meaning, not for fun. And what he's suggesting is pure killing for sport.

"I wouldn't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." Majka looked at him as if he were an idiot, "The ability to destroy a planet is absolutely nothing next to the power of the Force."

"Oh, don't try to intimidate us, Lady Majka." Admiral Motti rolled his eyes. Already Majka was ready to drag him by the throat for the disrespect shown, and yet he still talked more. "Don't try to scare us with your sorcerous ways. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion hasn't helped us conjure up the stolen data tapes. Or even given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebels hidden ba-"

Majka had him by the throat. From across the room she tilted her head, narrowed her eyes, and kept her hand only slightly up. She preferred to use her flesh hand for these things. It gave her more power, more force. She definitely wouldn't stand for a colleague to ridicule her like this. She abandoned being degraded after she destroyed the Jedi.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." Majka told him. She didn't look but the whole room remained emotionless. This was not the first time some of them had seen it, for some they were relieved it wasn't them again.

"That's enough. Majka, release him." Tarkin demanded.

"As you wish." Majka breathed out in satisfaction. She let him go, and he smacked his face down to the table to find air. For the rest of the meeting she just stared at him in intimidation.

"All this bickering is getting us no where." Tarkin explained, "Majka will provide us with the location of the Rebel Fortress by the time this station is operational. We will then be able to crush the rebellion with one, swift stroke.

The rest of the meeting for Majka was pointless. She just stood there and thought about how ridiculous they all were. They had no thoughts on how to better anyone, so she stopped trying. Nobody hated the Empire more than Majka. But nobody wanted the Empire to stay in reign than Majka. Because where would she go after? Her only option would be to die and she couldn't die. According to the Force there is no individuality after life. And Majka isn't ready for that, so she's stuck here.

She's stuck at the top of the pile of torture. Her entire job description is to hurt people. Which at first it was hard, but now it's like second nature. She's gotten used to it. The idea no longer repulses her. Instead she's numb. She's numb to the girl screaming inside of her. She's numb to the metal squeaking in random parts of her body. Her mind is desensitized to the sound of painful screams, the begs for mercy, the sight of blood.

Every moment of it was mind numbing. That's all she was, numb. She feels none of the agonizing pain anymore. The feeling of loss now her normal.

She ignored these recognition thoughts walking down the prison block. She went to were the young Princess Leia was being held. Majka couldn't help but roll her eyes at such a prestigious title that was basically useless.

Majka took a deep breath. She got the feeling this interrogation will be much harder than her plans allowed.

"Open the doors."

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