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"The battle station is heavily shielded, and carries a fire power of an entire star fleet. It's defenses are directed around a large scale assault. But a small, one man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defense." The director, who analyzed the plans and is also known by the name Dodonna tells.

Anakin raised his eyes at the plan. This was a (Y/N) plan alright. Secure, thorough, and powerful. In some twisted way, he was actually proud of her. He was disgusted with what way she used her power, but he had never seen her so focused and determined. Anakin was very confused that a one man fighter could destroy all she worked for. When he heard a one man fighter, he glanced toward his pilot, Han. But Han was already ready to dismiss such a title.

"Pardon me for asking, sir, but what good are snub fighters going to be against that?" A pilot, which Anakin learned was titled Gold Leader, next to Leia asked.

"The Empire doesn't consider a small, one man fighter to be any threat. Or they'd have a tighter defense." Dodonna changed the screen to show where the exhaust port was, "The analysis of the plans, provided by Princess Leah,-"

It's Leia. Anakin rolled his eyes.

"has demonstrated a weakness in the battle station. The approach to it will not be easy. You'll be required to maneuver straight down this trench, skimming the surface, to this point." Dodonna paused the graphic,  showing the exhaust port. "This is your target, it's only 2 meters wide. It's a small, thermal exhaust port. Right below the main port."

Everyone's eyes widened. They knew the target to the weakness of this plan would be small, but that small? And for one man? They must be insane.

"The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction, which should destroy the station." Dodonna showed the graphic of the shot firing into the Death Star and creating an explosion, "Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction. The shaft is ray shielded, so you'll have to use proton torpedoes."

Anakin stood behind his son, he looked down at him in his seat every once and a while. Luke was paying avid attention to detail and precision. Anakin could tell, he was meant to be a fighter.

"That's impossible, even for a computer." The man sitting next to Luke complained. Earlier Anakin was introduced to him, Wedge Antilles. Luke only smiled.

"But it's not impossible, I used to bulls-eye womp rats in my T-16 back home and they're not much larger than 2 meters." Luke shared. Anakin smiled, this would be Luke's task.

"Man your ships! And may the force be with you." The man said, Anakin felt at ease. It was a long time since he heard that going into battle. It calmed him.


"The rebel base will be in range in 30 minutes." The over looming voice boomed in the control room.

"This will be a day long remembered." Majka smiled, the homing beacon worked. She could finish her past, and the rebellion in one swift move. "We have seen the end of Kenobi, and will soon see the end of the rebellion."

"And Skywalker." Tarkin nodded to Majka. At first she was silent to Tarkin's comment. "Does that bother you, Majka?"

"The name Skywalker means nothing to me anymore." Majka spat at him. How dare he suggest that it does.

"Are you sure? Is that why he's still alive? Even after the Jedi Purge, you somehow managed to let the one Jedi who has a chance of destroying us alive by accident?" Tarkin whisper shouted at her.

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