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The wooden walkway is deserted now. The windows of the little huts glow and flicker from the fires inside including the distancing noise of the party behind him. The sounds of the forest fill the soft night air. Anakin finds the end of the walkway and stares up at the Death Star above him.

 His head in his hands, his whole body broke out in goosebumps. Breathing was heard loud in his ears and his head felt strained. 

 "You again," Anakin said it aloud. They had never been more distant to each other but their bond to each other seemed to be growing.

 "Who are you?" Even though it sounded faint, it sounded like she was at the other end of the walkway, not her scary voice, her voice, but he couldn't see her. He wanted to see her again so badly.

 "I told you." Anakin clenched his jaw, frustrated. He felt a weight on his neck, "The necklace around your neck. It's from me."

 "I'm not married. I was a Jedi, and a good one, I wouldn't have gotten married during that time." Majka said, rejecting, "My master told me you would do this. Tell me where you are."

 "You're right. You were an amazing Jedi. You were an amazing woman, too. We used to stay up all night sneaking off and talking about all the things we would change. Laying in one of our rooms, hiding when someone knocked on the door. Running down hallways for just one moment to be alone with you. I should've seen it coming, we should've done something." Anakin pleaded his guilt again-

 "SHUT UP." Majka broke up, her brain was so confused. She felt torn to shreds.

 "No!" Anakin said a bit too loud.

 "Anakin?" Luke was on the walkway, behind him was his sister, staring at him confused, "What's wrong?"

 He waited for a second, wiping his brow. Realizing the connection had been lost, he turned around, "Come here."

 "Do either of you remember anything about your mother?" Anakin asked and Luke shook his head. Anakin just wanted one piece of memory to hold onto before he could burst into grief again.

  "Just a little bit." Leia revealed, the two boys looked at her, "Not much. I mean just images and feelings."

 "Tell me." Anakin said, in desperate need of some kind of hope.

 "She was very beautiful. Kind," Leia began, scrunching her brows, Anakin's eyes melted as he remembered what he longed for, "but...sad. So sad. I always had this dream of her holding me in her arms, holding onto my finger, I felt so small and confused, and she would just keep telling me she would make everything ok. Why?"

 "I remember that, that was real." Anakin said, remembering the night everything ended. The last thing (Y/N) did was hold Leia, "Majka is here. Now. On this moon."

 "How do you know?" Leia asked.

 "I felt it too. Her presence. But I didn't know-" Luke began.

 "Her presence, but it's more than that. Your mother and I loved each other very much, so much our powers created a force connection. I can talk to her without being in front of her." Anakin explained, "She doesn't remember who we are, but I've gotten through to her before. I can do it again."

"But I don't understand. If she doesn't remember us - how could she know we were here?" Leia asked. 

 "She can feel when we're near. That's why I have to go." Anakin looked past them acknowledging the group, standing tall, "As long as I stay, I'm endangering the group and our mission here."

 "I'll go with you." Luke volunteered, "You shouldn't do this alone."

 "No the both of you should leave this place immediately-" Leia spoke over him.

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