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The shuttle landed from hyperspace just above Endor. There is a great deal of Imperial traffic in the area as construction ensues about on the Death Star. Transports, TIE fighters, and a few Star Destroyers move about.

Han looks back at Luke and Leia as Chewie flips several switches. Through the viewscreen, the Death Star and the huge Super Star Destroyer can be seen. The ship takes a moment of silence, taking in the mass of it all compared to their tiny brigade.

"Coming up on their detection perimeter now, Han." Anakin calls from his monitor in the back.

"Cue up the IFF transponder. And stay sharp. If they don't go for this, we're gonna have to get outta here pretty quick, Chewie." Han told his right hand man.

Chewie growls his agreement.

"Another Death Star! Just the sight of it has my transponders in flux." 3PO jittered in his seat.

"Steady, Threepio." Luke consoled his friend, but he began to feel something that made him scared, too. He looked to see if his father felt the same way. Luke was, reasonably so, much more sensitive than his father to the ways of the force with the link to his mother and father. So his father hadn't felt it yet.

Artoo beeps encouragement to his metal friend.

"We have you on our screen now. Please identify." The shuttles commlink spoke. Han panicked and responded immediately.

"Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield." Han sent over the access code.

"Shuttle Tydirium, transmit the clearance code for shield passage." The commlink continued, but Han was already on it.

"Transmission commencing." Han told them, sending it. Now all they could do was wait. Leia and Chewbacca listen tensely as the sound of a high speed transmission begins. Luke and Anakin were focusing on something much darker. Anakin had just felt the cold breath on his neck.

"Now we find out if that code is worth the price we paid." Leia sighed, biting her fingernail.

"It'll work. It'll work." Han repeated a mantra as the other side was so quiet.

Chewie whined nervously. Luke stares at the Huge Super Star Destroyer that looms ever larger before them.

"Majka's on that ship." Luke tried to confirm with his Father.

"Now don't get jittery, Luke. There are a lot of command ships." Han rolled his eyes at all this Force nonsense, but it still crossed his mind, "Keep your distance though, Chewie, but don't look like you're trying to keep your distance."

Chewie barks a questionable noise, considering that sentence didn't make sense to anyone.

"I don't know! Fly casual." Han was talking to break silence. Chewie barks his worries as the Super Star Destroyer grows larger out the window.


Lady Majka stands, staring out a window at the Death Star. Everything she had worked for, all of her life as far as she was concerned. She wouldn't let that be taken away by some family, a pair of boys she had no idea about.

She felt strange, like a bubble in her belly had just turned over as a shuttle passed by her window casually. After a moment of stillness, she walked down the row of controllers to where Admiral Piett, who she couldn't ever like, leans over the tracking screen of the controller we've seen earlier. Piett straightens at Majka's approach.

"Where is that shuttle going?" She asked, feeling stranger and stranger every time they approach the window.

"Shuttle Tydirium, what is your cargo and destination?" Piett asked the comlink for Majka.

"Parts and technical crew for the forest moon." A filtered voice comes through that sounded vaguely familiar to Majka. It didn't feel right for her to leave that alone.

The Bridge Commander looks to Majka for a reaction. Wondering why she'd be concerned of a tiny ship. But if the Emperor wasn't going to worry about the Empire, she would.

"Do they have a code clearance?" Majka asked, her tone urgent.

"It's an older code, my lady, but it checks out. I was about to clear them." Piett said.

Stupid. She thought. Majka looks upward, as she sensed a presence from that ship. One she felt similar about the ship on the old Death Star. Similar to the hot breath she felt when she heard a voice in her head not too long ago.

"I have a strange feeling about that ship..." she muttered but it was amplified by the mask. She stayed contemplating, she really couldn't bother with these officers anymore.


"They're taking a long time with that code clearance..." Leia grew more and more impatient. Anakin even more so. He was pacing back and forth. He should've known she'd be here. Their connection was far too strong for him to just breeze on through, he can't be a warrior anymore.

"I'm endangering the mission. I shouldn't have come." Anakin apologized, his panic overriding any kind of bravery he could try to display.

"It's your imagination, man." Han tried to lighten the mood, "Come on. Let's keep a little optimism here."


"Shall I hold them?" Piett asked again for guidance.

"No." Majka said, she would seize this opportunity instead she wouldn't be replaced, "Leave them to me. I will deal with them myself."

"As you wish, my lord." Piett responded, surprised, "Carry on." Piett nods at controller, who switches on his comlink.


"They're not goin' for it, Chewie." Luke spoke up from the back, wanting to leave.

"Just wait." Han quieted them down.

"Shuttle Tydirium, deactivation of the shield will commence immediately. Follow your present course." The controller gave the clearance and the whole shuttle felt as though they could finally breathe. All except Anakin and Luke, who worry about the fighting that has to come next.

"Okay! I told you it was gonna work. No problem." Han kicked back as Chewie flew into Endor's atmosphere, "Told you Majka wasn't around, boys. You think she'd let us breeze in here if she was?"

Luke gave Anakin a look, Leia followed suit. Knowing full well, that would be exactly what she would do.


Majka watched from the bridge. She turned and spoke to the controller.

"Ready my shuttle. I must go to the Emperor." Majka quickly left that area. She wouldn't be anyone's lap dog anymore, it was time for the apprentice to become the master.

She reached into her pocket to grab the necklace she found in a closet not too long ago. As she walked she removed her flesh hand clove and held it in her palm, really touched something that was real, solid, not a weapon. She breathed in the name Anakin. She smelled in the brown long hair that tickled her face as he would whisper in her ear in the morning.

She remembered rolling onto the floor with a beautiful face on top of hers, he kissed her fully then just said he wanted to call her his wife the next time they kissed. She married this person? Was this real? Or some sort of force hallucination?

She could never tell, but could never stop touching the necklace as more movies as if a projector on the back of her eyelids played. Was this necklace the secret to knowing who she was before this? Had she ever known? She needed to know. Was her name (Y/N), or Majka? Was she a loving wife, or horrendous monster? Who made her this way? What would history remember her as? What did this necklace mean? Is this man on that shuttle?

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