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Darth Majka dressed back into her uniform stormed her way back to meet Grand Moff Tarkin. She was leading the Princess to him. As much as she hated what was happening, she still had to do her duty for now.

But now her allegiance has strangely shifted. She no longer wants to protect the lying Emperor, or the Empire that keeps her on a short leash, but now she finds purpose in protecting her little girl.


Anakin and his friends stared up at the large ship. Anakin, who had heard about this ship, was skeptical but knew if something were to go wrong he would have it covered. Luke on the other hand stared at the old ship disgusted.

"What a piece of junk!" Luke said, he couldn't believe he sold his speeder for this thing.

"She'll make 0.5 past light speed. She might not look like much but she's got it where it counts, kid." Han defended his ship, "I've made a lot of special modifications myself. But, we're a little rushed so if you'll just get on board, we'll get out of here." Han smiled ushering the passengers on board. 

Once they were boarded, Han continued to clean off the landing gear.


"Governor Tarkin." Leia smiled at the familiar man, "I expected to find you holding Majka's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board." Majka stood as closely behind her as possible.

"Charming, to the last." Tarkin stared down at her with a wretched expression. He grabbed her cheeks and already Majka wanted to break his wrist, "You don't know how hard I found it signing the order to terminate your life."

"I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself." Leia responded, still staring up at him with perfect bravery.


"Stop that ship! Blast them!" They yelled. Han's eyes widened and pulled his blaster out to shoot back as he ran for the entrance of the ship.

He fired off four blasts, missing each time but able to create enough distraction for him to board the ship.

"Chewie, get us out of here!" Han yelled stumbling to reach the cock pit.

"Oh, I've forgotten how much I hate space travel." 3PO muttered as his friends buckled into their seats for take off.


"Princess Leia, before your execution I would like you to be my guest at a ceremony to make this battle station operational." Tarkin beholded his death weapon, "No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now."

"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." Leia told him. Her confidence was admirable. With each word it was like (Y/N) was coming back.

"Not after we demonstrate the power of this station." Tarkin explained, "In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that'll be destroyed first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this stations destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan."


Han and Chewie were able to lift the ship off and quick enough to avoid the troops below. But it wouldn't be long before they were back on their tail if they couldn't make the jump to light speed.

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