◈Chapter 1◈

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Here we are!

Alright so most of you know how an x Reader fic works right? Well some don't so I will be explaining how this will work.

(Y/N)- Your Name
(L/N)- Last Name
(F/C)- Fave Color
(H/L)- Hair Length
(H/C)- Hair Color
(Y/H)- Your Height
(F/S)- Fave Song
(F/D/B)- Fave Dog Breed
(D/N)- Dog's name

It may look complicated but just try your best alright!

Enjoy the first (My first) chapter of the x Reader fan fiction with David Nogla!
It was a little chilly when you got out of your rented car and to the truck drivers that brought your house things. You helped the driver park the truck carefully backwards so it will be easier to unpack the boxes.

"Alright! There ya go!" You yell out loud, making the driver stop the truck. You sigh happily at your new home in Ireland, though you had to get used to the area since you haven't move anywhere else around the world.

You traveled from California all the way to Ireland because of certain reasons that happened in the past. You knew that this is perfect to just settle in and meet new friends.

"Alright mam, we will just need you to sign this here and we will get your things into the house." One of the drivers tell you and you gracefully sign the paper and off he went with his partner to start unpacking the things.

You quickly walk towards your new front door that was a beautiful mahogany color with a glass window that had beautiful designs on. You twist the golden colored door knob and you were welcomed by the new house smell.

"You two can set the couch right here please." You tell the two men that held your brown couch carefully. They set it down where you told them to and off they went to bring the rest of the stuff.

You fix the couch a little so it can match the image in your head and you were pleased to how the living room was coming out so far.

[Two hours later.]

"Thank you so much!" You wave at the two men and they waved back as they entered their truck. You slowly close the door and look at your new home. There were still boxes around but you could handle the mess for a few days.

"Alright, time to start making this place look a bit homey." You say as you plug in your earphones and played your (F/S). You started getting into the music and just went towards a box.

You pull out the things that were inside and started singing to the song as you decorated the house.

Soon, two boxes were left and it was for your bedroom and bathroom. You walked down the hall towards your bedroom and opened the box that was labeled 'My Room Stuff'. You pulled out a picture of you and your old friends that lived back in Cali and smiled at the picture.

Next was another image of your parents. You set that one next to your bed, on a night stand. The other things you put away where you wanted them to be and sighed as it looked like your old room.

You grabbed the last box and set it in the bathroom but you soon grew tired. You leave the bathroom and told yourself that you will put it away after you wake up. You needed the rest because in two days was gonna be the start of your new job at a diner that pays you well.

You take off your coat and shoes, set those aside and laid on your bed. You soon felt your eyes getting droopy and fell into a peaceful slumber.

You wake up in the morning with a sudden feeling of excitement. A new day meant a new adventure in your new home.

You quickly get ready for the day and you just dressed in casual clothes. You suddenly got a thought. You got the sudden touch of loneliness and thought for a minute until it hits you.

"I am gonna get myself a puppy." You say to yourself. You smile with excitement, grabbed your keys and off you were to get a puppy.


You were driving home with a happy smile on your face. You got yourself a (F/D/B) and named her (D/N). You were happy with her, she could be your new best friend from Ireland.

"Alrighty, we are almost home (D/N)." A little bark was heard after you said that and you giggled with awe.

You park the car and as you were taking down the stuff for the puppy, you look across from you to see a tall, pale-ish looking man. He had two dogs, one creamish and white and the other black and white. He looked really happy playing with them.

You smiled as you watched him play with his two dogs. Which brought you back to reality. Something about that guy gives you the sudden urge of wanting to talk to him. You are gonna have to remove the thought for now until you are finally settled.

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