◈Chapter 19◈

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(Your Pov)

This week was just pure torture for you.

You started working again but usually you would catch Chris and Sadie flirting. As much as you hate watching them, you were worried about Sadie. She doesn't know about you and Chris.

You were cleaning the dishes as the diner was soon closing, you hear a faint giggle. Sadie walks in with a large smile on her face. You sigh as you continued to clean the dishes, getting a bit annoyed with a little scrap of egg that got stuck to a plate.

"Isn't he amazing!" Sadie says as she sets her empty food tray down and gets the last few orders ready.

"He's just so nice and sweet. . .I think I love him." You stopped what you were doing as she said "love". You wanted to tell her everything that she doesn't know about Chris. As your mouth opened, she cuts you off.

"I know we have been together for like almost two weeks but, I know he's the one." She's delusional.

"Sadie. . ." You look down as you set the plate in the rack to let it dry. You wipe your hands on your apron then slowly take it off. You then set the dirty apron down on the counter and turn towards Sadie, who was surprisingly giving you her full attention.

"Chris isn't the one for you. . ." Sadie eyed you. She gave you a look saying "What gives you the right to tell me who's right for me or not?"

"Listen Sadie. . .Chris is my ex. . .we dated back at Cali and it lasted for a long time. But, one day I was at the park and it so happens that Chris was there but with another. . .he was on one knee, proposing to her and as she said yes, I saw the happiness he had for that girl and for the kid they had together."

Sadie' s expression was shocking. Her mouth was as wide as a brick wall and she had tears running down her eyes.

"I, of course, confronted him and left him there with his beloved fiance. . .I threw all of his belongings outside and as I was about done, he appeared again, begging me for forgiveness. . .I didn't give him what he wanted and now look at me." Sadie eyes you up and down.

"I moved out of fear. . .I moved because I didn't want to run back into his arms, I didn't want to make the same mistake again. . .I didn't want to get hurt again, and if you continue on with your relationship with him. . .I know he will do the same for you." Tears were streaming down your face as you tell her your true feelings. You were scared of returning to the path that caused you so much pain. You started to think about David and how the days without him are horrible.

"(Y-Y/N). . .I am so sorry. . ." You look at Sadie and she hugs you immediately. You return the hug as you realized that you got her to change her mind about Chris. She deserves better than him, she deserves a man who respects her, unlike what Kyle did to her.

"I am so sorry, (Y/N). . .Please forgive me, I didn't know! If only you told me sooner, I wouldn't have started a relationship with him." You smile and you both part from eachother.

"Come on, we gotta serve the last orders." You say as you realized that you are still working.

"He said he was going to wait for me at the car so I will break it to him and ride the bus." You smile once again and she left the kitchen with the tray of food.

You started thinking again. . .You want to speak to David again. You want to see how he's doing. You really miss him and often, you noticed your dog wanting to go towards his house whenever you take her out for walks. You were determined to go apologize after work.

As you and Sadie were cleaning up after the last few customers left, Sadie instantly went outside and you could see through the window as she made her way towards Chris. He smiled as she approached her but as he was going to hug her, she stops him. He seems like she was questioning her. His expressions told you everything and finally he turn towards the window and you both made eye contact.

He soon stormed towards his car and left. Sadie stood out there for a while then made her way back in the diner. You saw her eyes, they were red from crying. You sighed and hugged her.

"I am sorry Sadie, I just don't want to see you get hurt again." Sadie sighed and smiled up at you.

"Thank you for watching out for me." You smiled at her.

"Hey, how about I give you a ride home, it's getting kinda dark out there." She nodded and you both went out as you both finished your final minutes of work.


"Thank you for the ride home, I will see you tomorrow!" Sadie says as she walks out of the car and towards her home. You wave as you drove away towards your house.

As you park the car outside, you walk towards your front door and started pulling out your house keys. You then started unlocking the door and opened it, surprised to not see or hear your dog welcoming you home like she usually does.

"(D/N)? I am home? Where are you?" You say as you close the door. You set your stuff down on a table near the door and walk around the living room.

"Where is she?" You say as you turn on the kitchen light.

"Sorry, I didn't want any interruptions." You jump then turn towards the voice.

"Chris?! How the hell did you get in my house?!" You say as he started to approach you.

"Your balcony door was unlocked so I let myself in."

"You have to leave, I have nothing to say to you!" You say as you were backing away until your back hit the wall. Chris came closer and you cursed your self for leaving your phone in your purse.

"(Y/N), come on you missed me all this time you were away." He said as he was now in front of you. You pushed him away which sorta did the trick to get him off you.

"Don't you dare touch me!" You say, warning him to keep his distance.

"Oh shut up." He says as he forcefully grabs you and kisses you. You start pushing him more violently but he wouldn't budge.

"I got you where I want you."

Sorry for the cliffhanger after not updating for like a month.

I will have the next update up soon, I wouldn't leave you guys like this. . .

Or would I? >;)

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