◈Chapter 4◈

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*Blows one of those party whistle's.*

Thanks for more than 200 reads, may not be a lot but it is to me. :)

(Your POV)

You were getting ready for work the next morning, which happened to be a Sunday morning, and your phone started ringing. You check the caller ID and it was (Y/B/F/N). [Your Best Friend Name.] You smiled, she still lived back in Cali and when you told her the news of you moving away, it was one emotional evening. You answer her call and put her on speaker.

"Hey (B/F/N)!" [Best Friend Name.]

"Hey (Y/N)! How's life in Ireland?" She asks you and you sigh.

"It's peaceful here, I love it, but I do miss California, a lot. It's much warmer there." You were beginning to add simple makeup on like mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss.

"Everyone back here misses you! Especially me. . .It sucks how you had to move away, if only I could have gone with you but, I got my life already settled here." You softly giggle at her and thought about the things you and her could of done.

"I know, how is everyone?" You were now applying the lip gloss, after you were done, you started combing your hair into a bun.

"Everyone is alright, you know how we do things here. Out in about, chilling at the park, bowling on days we are free." You sigh saddly as you remember those past memories with your friends back in Cali.

"Sounds like fun. . ." You breath hitched as a small whimper was about to escape from your mouth and it was loud enough for (B/F/N) to hear.

"Hey, don't cry! I-I didn't mean to upset you, we all understand why you had to leave, it wasn't your fault." You slowly take deep breaths so you won't ruin your makeup with tears.

"I know, it's okay. You didn't upset me. . .It's just. . .I am just broken still." You hear (B/F/N) sigh from the other side of the call.

"He doesn't deserve your tears, (Y/N). You can do so much better, there's probably nicer guys in Ireland that will treat you better than Chris." You smile at the thought of David. You then let out a small giggle as you remember last night when you and him talked.

"Alright, who is it?" You break out of your thoughts when you hear her voice loud and clear. You shake your head and chuckle.

"Sorry, it's nobody." You finished putting the last pin in your bun to keep it still.

"(Y/N), I know there is someone there you met already." You hold back your laugh and look at yourself in the mirror, smiling proudly at how simple you look today with your work uniform.

"It's just a guy that lives across the street from me." You soon hear a squeal coming from your phone and you roll your eyes as you were about to get swallowed by questions.

"Oh my god! What's his name? Is he Irish? How tall is he? Is he cute? What does he look like? Does he live alone?"

"(B/F/N)! Calm down! Geez, I can never tell you anything about guys." You hear a laugh coming from your phone which made you laugh.

"Hey! I am trying to look out for you! You know I don't want my best friend to be with another jerk who has no life and just ends up wasting his life on the couch." You roll your eyes once more and gathered your things before you went outside.

"Well, his name is David, he is pretty tall, he is Irish, he lives with his brother and two dogs, and I guess he is sorta cute." You smile widely and quickly unlocked your car.

"Wow, he sounds nice. So has he asked you out yet?" You freeze when you hear that. You weren't ready to go on date yet since you were still trying to resolve the last one.

"Um, no I don't want to date just yet. I am still getting over Chris but he did ask me to go on a walk with him, with our puppies."

"Wait. . .You got a puppy?" You smile and went back inside to make sure your puppy's bowls were full of food and water. You wave goodbye to (D/N) and off you went, making sure to lock the front door.

"Yes, I have a puppy, her name is (D/N)." You start the car and made sure you had your seat belt on before reversing out of your driveway.

"(Y/N). . .See! That does count as a date." You sigh as you were now driving to work. You slowly stop at a red light and look down at your phone.

"It's just a friendly walk. . .Alright (B/F/N), I am driving to work so I will text you later." You say as your finger was hovering over the end call button.

"You found a job already? You need to tell me everything later okay?" You laugh and roll your eyes.

"Okay weirdo, take care." You hang up and instantly focused back on the road as the light turned green.

You arrived at your work and parked in front where the employee and the handicap parking is. You get out and lock up your rental car then made your way in 'The Lucky Diner.'

"Hey (Y/N)!" You were greeted by your coworker, Sadie. You smile as you approach her.

"Hey Sadie, ready to start the day off with some hard work." Sadie just stops what she was doing which was restocking the napkins on each table and rolls her eyes at you.

"I wish I had your enthusiasm, I am never that excited to work." You laugh at her and she joins in. You help her set up the tables and as you finish, you both smile at each other.

"Let's open up." You went towards the front door but was interrupted by a loud voice coming from behind.

"Hey! You must be the new girl!" You and Sadie both stopped and turned to face a tall guy. He had brown hair and it was put to the side. His eyes were sorta blue with green.

"Oh hey Kyle!" Sadie says and you just stood there as she went up to the guy who is named Kyle.

"Hey Sadie, who's the pretty one?" He said pointing at you and all you can do was blush.

"Oh, this is (Y/N), today is her second day working with us." Sadie walks towards you and gives you a side hug. Kyle looks at you and smiles.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N). You already know me, just in case, it's Kyle." You smile and the both of you shake hands. Though, his grip on your hand was tight.

"Alright, well we gotta open up." Sadie pulls you away from Kyle and you hear him grunt. 

"Alright, I forgot to mention Kyle, he is one of the two other employee's that work here besides me and you." She pauses as she pulls out a set of keys.

"Kyle. . .He can be 'flirty' to girls at times and he gets like that when he is interested into that person." You slowly look back at Kyle who seems to be eyeing both you and Sadie.

"So be careful alright." She unlocks the front door and pats your shoulder.

"Alright, let's get started!" Sadie shouts and both you and Kyle went your separate ways, though you felt his eyes on you.
Sup peeps!

Sorry for not updating, I have started school so I have been booked up on hw and such.

Also! Did you enjoy this chappy? :) If you did, comment, vote and all that junk!

Thanks peeps!
See ya!

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