◈Chapter 12◈

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(Your POV)

You were shocked.

You wanted to just leave and go back to Ireland where you wouldn't see this perv. Either way, he works at the same place as you so it wouldn't even matter.

But, David brought you on this trip so you would relax. . .how are you going to relax now?

David was too distracted talking to him, he knows that his name is Kyle but. . .does he know it's this Kyle?

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" You snap out of your thoughts to face Evan. He was sitting across from you and he has noticed how concerned you have gotten ever since Kyle was brought up into the group.

"I am fine!" You put up a smile and he chuckles lightly. You sigh as he starts joining the group conversation. You were left with your thoughts.

You decide that you will excuse yourself to use the restroom. Then what? Just stand there, thinking about all the possible escape routes from this place? The window, the door, the fricken toilet?

"Excuse me David, I need to use the restroom." You say as you pull at his shirt so he can focus on you. He turns to look at you and immediately looks into your eyes.

He's reading you, reading you like a hawk.

"Okay (Y/N), I will be waiting for ye outside."

He noticed.

He stands up from his seat and you slide out and make your way towards the restroom with David behind you. Before you enter, he grabs your wrist. You turn towards him and look him straight in the eye.

"We are stepping outside for a bit, to talk." He says, in such a stern tone which sent shivers down your lower back. You nod and he let's go of your wrist so you will do your business, even though you didn't need to. . .or do you?

You walk towards the mirrors and stare at your reflection. You poke around at your face, just checking if you were feeling alright. The lighting made you look pale and tired.

Maybe you were.

You sigh as you stare at your reflection, thinking through this, processing the events that just happened.

David invites you on a trip just so you can relax, you meet his friends, you have a great time, Kyle turns up, everything goes to shit.

You snap out of your thoughts as you hear a loud knocking coming from the bathroom door.

"(Y/N), ye alright in there?" David has been really supportive lately, you wouldn't have made it at all if it wasn't for his kindness and his friendship. You wash your hands and dry them, then slowly make your way outside to meet him.

He was leaning against the wall waiting patiently for you. He turns to face you and lightly smiles. You soon walk out with David beside you and you both lean on the railing outside of Dairy Queen.

"Alright, let's first start with my friends. What do ya think of them?" He says as you both watch cars drive by, different colors made from different companies. You sigh as you think about his group of friends, they are all sweethearts.

"They are all amazing, funny, and loud." You hear David chuckle at that last part, you shake your head then giggle. You both grow quiet and continue watching the cars drive by, you wonder about the people driving the cars. What are they up to? Where are they going? Are they rushing? Going for a stroll?

"Now. . .what about Kyle?"

Your heart drops. That name is haunting you so much, it creeps you out whenever you hear it. You stayed silent as you were now facing the floor, the wind blowing against your face lightly.

"It's him isn't it?" David asks out of the blue and you continue to be unresponsive. You can tell that he was eyeing you, you feel his eyes looking upon your confused face.

"Listen (Y/N), I brought ye on this trip to relax and forget about everything that has happened to ye. Though, with Kyle here, I don't think it will be easy for ya." You sigh and shake your head.

"I am sorry David. . .I didn't expect any one of your friends to know Kyle. Though Brian knows him which I don't want to know how or where he met him. . ." Does Brian know how Kyle is around women? Does he know that Kyle mistreats them? You then remember Sadie. What happened between her and Kyle?

"My co-worker Sadie. . .her and Kyle have some history together and I want to know what happened. . .it's been bugging me and it got me all nervous around Kyle, what if he does the same to me? I wouldn't know what to do!" You grip the railing tightly as you try to get the thought out of your head. You don't know the story but whatever it is, it must've been bad since Sadie seemed a bit disturbed while talking about it.

You jump as you feel an arm wrap around your shoulder. You look up but notice that it wasn't David.

It was Tyler.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" David soon pushes him away.

"Fock off Tyler, you startled her." He grips your shoulders and you smile.

"Oh well my bad! Didn't mean to scare your girlfriend." David soon frowns at Tyler's teasing and you giggle. You look around and catch Kyle having a chat with Brian and Evan. He soon spots you eyeing him and he gives you a mischievous grin. One that will make everything worse. He soon winks at you as he eyes you up and down. He soon mouths something.


What the hell?

"(Y/N), you alright?" You turn back and see Craig standing next to you. You smile up at him and nod.

"I am fine thanks."

Lying. . .what a horrible feeling.

As the day got darker, you all decided to go back to the hotels and get some good ass rest for the first day of E3. You wave goodbye to everyone, Kyle left early thankfully, and started walking away.

David said that he will meet you at the hotel so you started making your way. You look around as the sky started to fade into dark colors, informing you that it will be night-time soon. You smile as people would say there 'hello's' or compliment your outfit. You soon were passing an alleyway until you heard a whistle which caused you to stop and stare.

You walk in the alleyway but stopped yourself. You gotta go to the hotel, anything bad can happen. You turn around to walk towards the hotel once again until someone grabs your wrist and pushes you against the wall.

"Hey (Y/N)."


Okay! Once again I have become busy with shiz so yeah.

I know, y'all must be wondering why I ended this chapter like that.


This should be my name now, Queen of Cliffhangers.

No don't call me that lol.

Welp, see ya peeps!

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