◈Chapter 17◈

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(Your Pov)

The whole ride towards the airport was silent. David didn't try to talk to you and you didn't talk to him. From time to time he would turn to look at you but you never looked back. It's starting to hit you. . .the guilt.

As the taxi arrives at the airport entrance. You both get out of the car and awkwardly wait for the driver to open the trunk. This gave David a chance to speak.

"Did I do something (Y/N)? Your silence is what makes me wonder." You close your eyes, not wanting to say anything in return but you felt a hand rest on your shoulder.

"Please talk to me." You move so his hand would slip off your shoulder.

"Nothing is wrong David, don't worry about me." As the driver opens the trunk, you grab your luggage and head inside, not even waiting for David as he stares at you.

As much as it hurts him, it will hurt you too. David doesn't deserve to be treated like crap, he deserves a better friend.

You sit as you wait for your plane to be called and David sits next to you with his luggage and quietly stares at his phone. You look at him from the corner of your eye. You soon remember what you best friend, or ex best friend, told you.

Soon your plane was ready to get boarded so both you and David walked to the terminal and entered. Finding your seat was pretty easy but you soon realized that David was sitting next to you for the whole entire plane ride but you then see a different man sit next to you. You look around the plane to find David sitting in the way back. He see's you then looks back down.

You sit back down and start to feel the pain that has been urging to come out for some time now.

You are losing him.


As the plane lands, and you come back to reality from overthinking of the situation you have returned to worry about, you come to the point where you are now alone in this situation.

You quickly grab your stuff and exit the plane to retrieve your luggage. You see David approach and you decide to say something about his ticket swap with a random guy.

"How was the ride back there?" You soon start with your arms crossed.

"So now ya worry?" David shoots back as he grabs his luggage and leaves. You gasp and grab yours, following him.

"Listen David, the way you acted is not cool!" You shout back as you were rushing behind the tall Irish man. He soon stops as he approaches his car.

"Why are ye so focused on the way I am acting?! Ye have been ignoring me for almost two days! I should be telling you that." He opens the trunk, sets his luggage in and closes it, not even letting you put your luggage in. You angrily open the back door, throw your luggage in and sit in the back.

As the drive home was nearer, you realised the new problem you are going to face. You close your eyes as all your emotions were hitting you. The car came to an abrupt stop as you were now at the front of your home. You exit the car with your luggage in hand and see that David's brother was waiting with your dog in hand.

"Welcome back ye two!" He shouts as you approach him. You smile as your dog was getting excited from seeing you.

"Hey (D/N)!" You grab her and she immediately starts to lick you. You notice how bug and heavy she's gotten. You soon unlock your door and out her inside so you can thank him.

"Thank you so much for watching her, how much do you want?" You say as you pull out your wallet but he stops you.

"No need, just a thank you for making my brother happy, and for also getting him to exercise more." You smile and he hands you your dogs stuff and walks off.

You see David approach you.

The silence was horrible.

"Well, hope you have a good life here in Ireland." That's all he says. You frown.

"Listen David, let's just pretend we never met."

That struck a nerve.

"Excuse me?" David says with anger filled in his voice.

"I come to realization that I should be independent from this day forward." The look on his face was so unpleasing.

"(Y/N)?! What in the fock did I do to ye?! Tell me?"

"It's none of your concern David! Let me be!" You were both shouting in the quiet neighborhood.

"Alright. . .I will let you be, don't expect to see me around anymore, you have lost that privilege!" David soon storms off into his car and drives it onto his driveway. You enter your home and sigh as the door closes.

Your dog was yapping at you for attention. You smile and hug her. You felt your phone vibrate and it was Sadie calling you.


"(Y/N)! Is it true that you are back?!" She says in excitement.

"Yes, I am home now." You heard squealing.

"May I come over? I have someone for you to meet!" You smile as you needed a friend to cheer you up.

"Of course." With that she hangs up and you get up and hurry to get your things back together again.

As an hour passed, and you have successfully put your luggage away. You hear a knock on the door. You walk to open and was greeted with a hug from a small figure.

"Oh (Y/N)! I have missed you! Wesley missed you too!" She says as you both part. You smile at the small energetic girl.

"Oh! I brought someone for you to meet, he is so nice and charming!" She rushes outside and pulls in the mystery man but you instantly zone out as to who the man was.

"(Y/N)! Meet my new boyfriend!"

Welp! Happy New Year's!

I will try my best to update my stories and finish them.

Have a great day!

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