◈Chapter 2◈

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(Your POV)

You were in the bathroom, fixing everything since you forgot to do it yesterday because you brought home a puppy. Soon as your toothbrush and toothpaste were placed next to the sink, you sigh in relief knowing that you were done with the place. Today was a special day for you and you want to look your best.

Today was the day you start working at the diner and you were excited. You started getting dressed in black pants, a white shirt and fixed your hair up in a bun. They said that they will give you the rest of your uniform when you arrive.

You feed (D/N) and fill her water bowl, wave her goodbye and walked out of the house to your car, of course you locked the house before leaving.

As you arrived the diner which was called 'Lucky Diner', (I am sorry if that offended anyone, I couldn't think of a name.) I walked in and it was pretty busy at the moment but a girl saw me enter. She stopped what she was doing and walked towards me.

"Welcome to the Lucky Diner, you must be the new recruit my boss was telling me about." The girl had light, brownish hair, a few freckles across her sorta tanned skin, greenish eyes and was a bit short.

"Uh, yes. I applied through the internet since I was moving here. I came from California." You say, a bit nervous. The girl smiles at you and she nods understandingly.

"No need to be frightened, my name is Sadie. If ya want, I can take you to the boss so he can give you instructions on what to do around here." You smile lightly at Sadie for she was being nice to you which was something you have been wanting ever since you moved, a warm welcome.

"That would be nice." Sadie grabs your arm and takes you through the bar and into a door that led into a hallway with other doors. You both stop at a certain door which was labeled 'Manager'.

"Wesley, the new worker is here." Sadie says while knocking on the door, soon it was opened by a tall man who was tanned with dark brown hair, he had hazel colored eyes, a somewhat of a mustache and a warm smile.

"Hey, the names Wesley, welcome to your first day here. Now, I see that you met one of the workers already. She is one warm face around here." Wesley says and Sadie smiles.

"Now, I see that you have worked at a diner before, back at your hometown right?" He asks you and you nod, happily.

"Yes, I worked as a waitress and sometimes the cashier." You said and Wesley nods. He smiles at you and hands you a pin with your name already printed on it.

"Well, hope you enjoy working here. Sadie will show you around." Wesley smiles and enters his office. you look down at Sadie who was smiling with excitement filled in her eyes.

"Here, to start it off, me and you can become the closest of friends." She smiles happily and you giggle. You knew right then and there that you will love working here.


"Have a great day!" You say to the family that left. You help Sadie clean off the tables and you both were settled to go home.

"Today was great, wasn't it?" Sadie asks you and you nod. Today went by smoothly and the people were nice.

"Alright, see ya on Sunday (Y/N)." Sadie says as she walks to her car and you walk to yours.

When you arrive, you hear a guys voice from across the street. You turn back and see the same guy from yesterday. He was walking into his house and his dogs were hopping on his legs.

You smile at how he pets them each with love and affection. Makes you feel butterfly's in your stomach, you were staring for so long that you didn't notice him waving at you.

You blush instantly and walked calmly in the house and to your surprise, your puppy was happy to see you.

"Hey (D/N), I missed ya too." You say to your dog as you closed the door and bent down to pet her. She licks your hand and you giggle from how much it tickles.

"Let's get something to eat." You say to her as you both walked to the kitchen.


You park the car on your driveway and started pulling out the groceries. You were enjoying a day of no work, even though you worked only once so far but you were still happy.

You grab the last bag of groceries and close the trunk of your car. You set the bags in your table and shut the door. As you were pulling out the groceries from the bags, you noticed that it was quiet.

"(D/N)?" You say aloud but no bark or pitter patter of claws scratching the floor was heard. You suddenly remember leaving the door open while locking your car.

"Oh shit!" You say as you walk into your room and see that your puppy's bed was empty. You instantly run outside and yelled out her name.

"(D/N)!" You continue to yell but knowing that she could have probably been somewhere across from town by now, you felt the sting of tears.

"Hey, ye okay there?" A thick Irish accent was heard behind you and it made you jump. You turn around and there was the man that lives across from you.

"Sorry to startle ye, I was just taking a walk until I saw ye crying." He says and you wipe away the tears.

"S-Sorry, my puppy ran away when I left the door open from going outside to lock my car. . .I am such a bad owner, I barely got her too." You say and the tall male smiles at you.

"Ye're the new girl huh? The one that moved across from me?" He asks and you nod. You suddenly got butterfly's when he smiled at you.

"This may be weird but, mind if ye follow me?" He asks you and you felt both worried and uncertain. You had to find your pup, but you guess sitting down for a bit will help you calm down.

"Okay." You say and he smiles again then starts walking next to you.

"Sorry, my name is (Y/N), what's yours?" You ask and his rubs the back of his neck.

"My name is David." You smile, that was a cute name.

You both walked down the street back to what seems to be his house. He opens the door and what you saw caused you to smile happily.

"(D/N)!" You yell out as your puppy ran to you and licked your face. You look up at David and hug him.

"Thank you so much!" You suddenly parted from him because you just barely met him.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to hug you." You say and he chuckles.

"It's alright, ye were just happy." You smile at his kindness and you both continued talking for the rest of the day.

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