◈Chapter 20◈

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(David's Pov)

As usual, I went into my room to start recording but realized that I was early. So, I stared outside my window where I could perfectly see (Y/N)'s house. As much as I want to go check up on her, she made it very clear that she didn't need me.

I soon noticed someone just walking towards her house. It looks like a guy.

He stood there, looking around to see if anyone was watching.

I of course was watching.

He soon tried to open the front door. Seemed like it was locked because he tried to push it forcefully.

He tried checking under the mat, the porch light near the door, and under a rock. Seeming defeated, he looked around for another way in until he saw the backyard door.

He pushed it open and closed it, making his way into (Y/N)'s house.

Whoever he is, must be there to help care for (Y/N). . .

But then again. . .

(Y/N) is working.

(Your Pov)

"Let me go Chris!" You say as you struggled to break free from his grip. You heard whimpering coming from the bathroom and you knew that your dog was put in there.

"You bitch!" You say as you knee him in the stomach. He instantly let's go and bents over to hold his stomach.

"Ah! Why (Y/N)?!" He regains his strength and instantly pounces to grab me but you dodge his moves, until you trip on one of your puppies toys. You fall back and hit your head on the hard floor, gaining a headache and dizziness. You felt someone crawl on you and that someone being Chris.

"Finally, you remember doing this with me right (Y/N)." Chris says as you were still trying to regain control over your eyesight. He soon started to roam his hands around your weak and injured body.

Adrenaline soon kicked in and you instantly pushed him off and regained your strength.

"Chris! We are through! It's your own fault for cheating on me in the first place! Why did you use me Chris? Did you think that I wouldn't find out?" Chris stood up slowly and stared at you. Your eye, still recovering, was starting to sting. Around this time, you would use the eye drops to help your eye recover but since Chris came and distracted you, your eye is making you miserable.

"Chris, please leave, I have dealt with too much already, the chances of me falling for another is very critical because of you." I say as my eye was stinging even worse. I cover it, hoping that the cold air was the problem but it still stung.

"You seem to be having a bit of pain there, that's the same exact pain I feel but in my heart. . .Everyday whenever I am not with you." You cringe at his words and your heart stopped when he came towards you and kisses you. You tried pushing him off but you soon felt a tug at your hair and you wince.

"Don't push away from this, you know you like it." He says as he forcefully kisses you again. You struggle from his grip and to your luck, you managed to knee his crotch area and he let go of you.

You instantly rush for your phone and called the police. Not having the chance to hang up, Chris tackles you, making you drop your phone.

"Ah, fuck!" You say as you hit your head against the floor.

"Don't your fucking dare call for help." He says as he slaps you. Causing your teeth to cut your gum. You say blood and watched Chris stared down at you angrily. The tears were streaming down your eyes. You wanted someone to come save you.

The impact from your head worsened as your vision and hearing got fuzzy. The last thing you saw was Chris getting tackled.

(David's Pov)

"You focking bitch Delirious!"

"Hahahaha! I LIVED!!" I was playing Prop Hunt with the boys and Delirious was being a fucking cheat. I looked outside my window and noticed that (Y/N) arrived home from work.

I was too distracted that the hunters ended up losing, I was the only one left.

"Hey Nogla! Everything alright? You caused us the game here." Evan says as the next round starts, I focus again on the game and hide in a corner as a hotdog.

"Sorry." I continued to watch her as she entered her home. My instincts started kicking in as I remembered the guy going into her house.

"Listen guys, I gotta go, see ya tomorrow." Without hearing their responses, I logged off and instantly headed downstairs towards the front dear.

"Where ya going?" My brother asks as he was feeding Joe and Tony. I open the door and I could hear the faint sound if police sirens coming.

"To get her back." I instantly shut the door and speed walked towards her house and as I approached the door, I heard a loud smack and I instantly knew something wrong was happening.

I open the door and found the guy ontop of (Y/N). Her mouth had a bit of blood dripping out and her cheek was bruised. She seemed to be fainting. I instantly tackled the guy off her and we both started fighting.

"You focking bitch! Who gave ya the right to enter somebodies house without permission?!" I punched him twice but he soon pushed me off and I received two strikes on my face. I stumbled a bit but tackled him once again.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He says as he punches me once again. As I regained my strength, I looked up at him and my eyes widened.

He had pulled out a pocket knife.
Welp. . .

How's it hangin'? (Ba-Dum-Tss)

Sorry again for yet another cliffhanger.

See ya next time ;)

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