4/28/16 11:21pm

49 0 0

I wish on 11:11 sometimes

I lost my life and I'm struggling to get it back. Suffering, screaming, silence. I can't cry or else they'll hear me. I can't win because they take my victory as attitude. No sleep? I've never slept this well in a long time. I don't know what's wrong with me. This buildup of stress is too much more me. I can't express myself because anything my fingers can't touch aren't acceptable. I'm not allowed to be free, I can't invite my happiness over, I CANT DO ANYTHING. IM BEING JUDGED BY THE WAY I BREATHE. You say I'm not fine, and you're right. And you can't help me fix
myself because you're the problem.

Please tell me they can't hear me. I'm trying to muffle my suffering, I promise. You can't silence something that's been locked in your mind forever. Anything that remains silent screams eventually. It's trying to break free. And I can't stop it. It's been in the dark for so long that it finally found the light. That small crack that you made, let out what was caged. And you'll yell at me, because I shouldn't let these things get to me. But up until now they haven't, but you pushed me too far. I can't even remove my beauty without it being labeled as wrong.

I was having a hard day when I wrote these.

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