1/4/20 2:00am

34 0 0

another poem emerging from the journal👀👀 this one isn't rhyming but it's (VERY) emotionally driven and i really feel this one so i hope you like it or are like bruh what?

alone in this almost empty warehouse - 10/4/19 finished 10/7/19
when silence is fulfilled
and i fail to escape again
there's too much time to sit and think
why can you be taken away from me?
your hands have gone cold
and now
you can't imagine the deep aching of regret
i feel
looking at you with empty words in my mouth
seeing nothing but cold distance in your eyes
you have no idea
how long i prayed
for you to come back to me
but you were never mine
i shouldn't be the one with you right now
this silence is deafening
please say something
breathe out one more time
and tell me what i really am to you
it's too late
it's so quiet, i hear the ticking of your watch
i see my own breath in front of me
but not yours.
please will someone wake me up?

yeahhhh i love you i think

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