4/25/18 1:52am

45 0 0

Won't you make me a beautiful mistake?

Why is it so easy to love you?
Why is it so hard to let go?
Please, let me know
My love has been disappointed and left
I don't think it will come back
But I'm better without you here I suppose
I've gotten past the last heartaches
That've only existed because you ceased not to
They joined me in this world for a thrill
That ended with the feeling of similar thoughts
To why they were the ones that could make me smile
And then cry
For the same reasons
But no matter what I do
How hard I try
I can't push away the one feeling
That you're still out there
for me

I'm imbalanced rn
This doesn't rhyme sorry i can't think anymore
This song tagged is one I've just stumbled upon and I find it so interesting. The way she can sing about something of that subject like that and make it sound like a lullaby is amazing.

I made a new song recently. It's honestly not that good I think my vocals are eeesh
But if you wanna check it it's on my SoundCloud that's SophisticatedNicole, and the song is called 'hello, my love'
It's ehh I was feeling it and then I listened to it and now I don't like how it came out. Bye

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