Chapter 7

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       Make them stop. Make those two idiots stop before I lose my mind. 

"I win!"

"I had to look back to see you! My toe was at least a tenth of an inch in front."

I grit my teeth but keep a cool facial expression. Twirling a kunai around my finger I prop my feet on the desk, trying my best to ignore the two brats at the front.  

"Sakura-Chan! Come sit by me!"

I turn my head to the boy beside me. Although I refrained from saying so, I silently pleaded for Naruto to stop what he was doing while he was ahead. 

Sakura runs forward and stops in front of Naruto. Her eyes narrowing towards the boy on my other side, the one she obviously has a crush on. 

"Out of my way!" Sakura pushes Naruto to the ground, and for some reason, I feel annoyance and anger radiate off me. Why the hell did she do that? You can't just go pushing people around simply because you believe it to be convenient! Getting up from my seat, I walk over to Naruto and kneel down to help him.

Quietly I lift him to his feet.
"Are...are you okay?"
He looks at me with a shocked expression before grinning and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Ya I'm okay, but why'd you help me?"

I let a small smile tug at the corner of my lips.
"You didn't...need to be treated like Excuse me for a second."

Venom laces the ending of my sentence as I turn around and stalk towards Sakura. People part ways as my angry aura radiates off me. Walking up to the oblivious Pinkette, I tap her shoulder. She turns around, ignoring Sasuke for a second.

"What?" Smiling, I tilt my head to the side looking as sweet as possible.

"Would you...please say sorry to Naruto?"

She scoffs and rolls her eyes at me. The classroom goes quiet as everyone turns to observe at the scene that was currently taking place. 

"And why would I do that, huh?" 

My fake smile vanishes and my head hangs low, shadowing my eyes.

"Because...because I asked nicely."
Sakura laughs.

"Because you asked nicely? What a lame excuse!" Her laugh was shrill and mocking as if what I said was the most ridiculous thing ever. 

My head lifts slowly, and Sakura steps back from me, seeing my rageful look and the sharp Kunai clutched at my side.

Wh-what's wrong with this girl?! Her eyes are wild! Like they're looking for blood!

I smile wickedly through my mask and walk towards her. I stop for a moment before lunging and pinning her to the desk with my Kunai. I don't know what is coming over me, but this girl has severely pissed me off...

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now