Chapter 39

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    It was official

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It was official. Hiruzen-Sensei is a crazy, senile old man. That's the only way to explain the torture he was putting us through.

I'm not one to complain about training very often, after all, it's improving our skills. Yet I can't help but shiver in legitimate fear every time a new day of training starts.

Just yesterday, Hikaru and I were forced to do our usual 36 laps around the around the village, but then he also drilled us with intense body conditioning. To say that it was hard to get out of bed this morning was an understatement. It was even worse than Hikaru, considering that Hiruzen-Sensai was trying to improve his skill set so it matched mine evenly.

I was absolutely terrified to roll out of bed and start the day. To mark the start of week two, and by the end of each week, Hiruzen-sensei would increase the number of weights that we carried. (Or at least that's what he said he would do.)

Groaning, I roll over in my bed and push myself up. We were even forced to sleep in the weights! It wouldn't have been such a bad thing if these godforsaken chakra weights didn't pull and rip at my muscles so relentlessly.

Raising a shaky arm up, I run my fingers through my hair trying to untangle the mess that I call my hair. Slowly, I climb to my feet and make my way towards my bedroom door, trying my hardest not to groan out in pain.

Entering the hallway, I take a few steps towards the door that was across from mine. Kakashi had gotten someone to expand our apartment enough so that Hikaru could have his own room, instead of just using the couch for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, our apartment was one of the ones that were located near the edge of the apartment complex, so expanding didn't cause any disruption to any of the other residents. With a tired sigh, I open the door and walk into the disaster that was Hikaru's room.

Stepping around piles of clothes, scrolls, and food wrappers, I walk to the edge of Hikaru's bed. The red-head was fast asleep, his pillow clutched tightly to his chest as he hugged it, his blankets thrown off to the side. I smile softly down at him as I take in the sight.

With his bed-head, soft expressions, and light snoring, I can't help but admit that he looked adorable. Reaching out with my hand, I gently shake his shoulder and try to coax him awake with a soft voice.

"Hikaru? Hikaru, it's time to wake up." He mumbles something incoherent and turns around, his back now facing me.

Exhaustion tugs at me relentlessly, but I refuse to give in and just head back to bed. Hiruzen-Sensei wouldn't be too happy with us.

"Hikaru, come on bud. You have to get up." I say, trying to reason with him.

Hikaru lets out another groan, although this one was much louder, and filled with fatigue and annoyance.

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