Chapter 34

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                                   The Hokage looked at Shizukana with eyes that were both grim and sad

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                                   The Hokage looked at Shizukana with eyes that were both grim and sad. He So desperately wanted to say something to the bloody child, but he refrained from doing so. Anything he may say could possibly make the situation worsen.

So Instead, he opened the doors and allowed Shizukana and her team through the doors.  The once
Beautiful looking girl kept quiet and barely acknowledge her Sensei's presence. Her eyes blank and dead, devoid of any and all emotion.

Shizukana walks through the doors, and is instantly flanked by her two team members on all sides.

Hikaru has yet to be released, but Shizukana's tattoo glowed a furious violet, indicating that he wanted to be let out. 

He was ignored.

Shizukana's group was the second group to appear, having only been about an hour after the Sand siblings.

Shizukana was a gruesome sight, and as she walked down the halls towards the room she would be staying at; she grabbed the attention of a certain red-head. The boy studied her with a blank stare, although one question seemed to run through his head on repeat.

Where did all that blood come from?

The girl was covered head to toe in crimson blood, only some spots of her skin being clean from it. The boy narrowed his eyes as he continued to take her in.  Her once glistening white hair was now dyed a crimson red that rivaled his own.

It looked like she swam in an ocean of blood.

As if she felt his gaze, she turned her head and looked in his direction as she passed. The sudden turn of her head, causes more blood to seep down from her hair and run down her face, as well as drip down onto the ground from the tip of her ponytail.

She gave him a look that actually caused him to pause, and look at her in shock.

Her eyes reminded him of his own.

After a brief moment, she turns away and pauses at a door that lead to a room. Black mist formed around the hall, causing everyone to take a cautious step back.
The mist cleared to reveal a worried boy that instantly went to try and hug her. With a simple move to the side, she dodges and moves into her room, slamming the door, and turning the lock.

*               *               *

                           I stare blankly at the wall, ignoring the familiar sounds of Hikaru and my friends trying to break into my room. I refused to see anyone, and the only way that I was coming out, was if my team summoned me, or if the exams continued on as normal.

It's been exactly 24 hours since we arrived, and exactly 25 hours since Pandora died.

I grit my teeth in anger and anguish at the thought of her, yet I feel just too tired and empty to do anything about the anger boiling inside me.....
I haven't even gotten up to wash my clothes or my body, so Pandora's blood was now dry and slowing falling off of me in flacks. I don't even bother to wash my clothes either, for I know that the blood will never come out unless I burn the pieces of cloth.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now