Chapter 53

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     Throughout the next couple weeks, I edited the letters multiple times, removed two out of the three pendants(Two people already had one, momentarily forgot when originally writing the letters), and talked to all the people that came in to give me company. Naruto has already left the village, and in the time of his departure, my birthday has long since passed. 

Being stuck in a hospital for my thirteenth birthday was not something that I found appealing, but everyone made sure to keep me company throughout the day. The gifts from everyone were what made the day the most exciting, especially since I wasn't expecting to get anything in the first place. 

Asuma had granted me a pair of obsidian steel Chakra blades, in which the sides were detailed with strings of lightning bolts. He made a promise to teach me how to use them the moment I was back on my feet. 

Kiba gave be a pair of earrings. brightly coloured red ones so that they "match my eyes" as he put it.  Kakashi and Ren gave me a joined gift(Obviously, a four-year-old ain't gonna be able to buy anything!), the gift consisted of a photo album full of all-out happiest memories. The first picture at the beginning of the book was our team photo. With Naruto and Sasuke grumbling on the sides, and Saura in the middle smiling brightly, Hikaru and I had our arms thrown over each other's arms. Standing tall and proud behind Sakura, Hikaru and I looked as cheerfully as can be we Kakashi standing off to the side, arms crossed and smile adorning his face. 

From Hikaru, he had bought me a pair of specialized ANBU ninja boots. Embedded at the bottom of the soles were kunai blades that were fashioned especially into the shoe. With some practice, I would easily be able to access them and use them in combat whenever they are necessary. Until then, I'd have to be careful....don't need Ren coming along and accidentally getting stabbed. 

From Shikamaru, he had bought me a large makeup supply. According to him, Rin, Takeshi and Mamoru had been talking about war paint when he overheard the fact that I always wanted to decorate my face with the traditional paint of my clan. Thankfully, he did his research before buying the paint, because he bought the typical blue war paint. 

Garra(Who had stayed around long enough to celebrate my birthday with me) had bought me a gourd(A much smaller version than his.)to keep my chakra infused water within for when I manage to master the water technique. 

Tsunade was the last person to gift me with anything, and although I didn't expect anything from her at all, her gift was both ironic and unnerving. She bought me a bloody ANBU mask. Albeit she did give me this gift when I was alone, it still didn't make me any less uneasy. 

"For when you become an ANBU!" She had cried happily. At the time, I had simply let out a nervous chuckle and thanked her for the generous gift. Although, when I looked at the mask in closer detail, I noticed that I didn't represent an animal like most Konoha ANBU masks do. When I asked her about it, she simply laughed again and made her way towards the door. 

"That's because I never wanted you to be represented by a mere animal. While wearing that mask, you will be known as Lorelei." 

Even now, as I repeat the name over and over again in my mind, it sends shivers of excitement and nervousness down my spine. 

Lorelei, the maiden that lured fishermen to their death with her beautiful song. 

The beautiful porcelain mask was painted stark white, blue swirls decorating it as if to portray the waves that hit the shores near Kirigakure. The eye was carved into narrow slits, almost making me believe that it would be impossible to see out of them, but when I tried on the mask, I could see perfectly fine. 

Quite honestly, If it wasn't for the Konoha symbol that decorated the area just under one of the eyes, I probably would've been mistaken for a Mist ninja. That, plus the beautifully carved ANBU symbol on the forehead, the mask was gorgeous in a simple kind of way. 

Sighing, I turn and look at the said mask that sat at on my nightstand. I hope one day that I'll actually be able to wear it. Groaning, I throw off the blankets to my hospital bed and change into the regular clothes that the nurses had laid out for me. (Kakashi had gone back to the house and gave them my ninja clothes and armour.) With laboured breaths, I ignore the ache in my stomach as I take the letters and stuff them in my pockets. 

Stumbling slightly, I grab my mask and make my way towards the window. I was allowed to leave the hospital two day's ago, but Kakashi thought it would be wise to stay a bit longer for a couple tests before leaving. 

The reason that I was going out the window is that everyone I know is busy training, or they're currently doing missions. By the Hokage's request, nurses were told to accompany me where- ever I go for the first week out of the hospital.


I'm not going to be followed around and dotted on like a helpless kitten. Again, I ignore the ache in my stomach as I open window and jump up to crouch on the sill. 

Looking down towards the ground, I quickly come to the conclusion that I was deeply going to regret my next decision. Shaking my head, I slip on my mask (Too lazy to hold it in my hand right now.) and leap off the sill. 

Holding my breath, I infuse Chakra into my feet and brace myself for impact. Hitting the ground, I wince and grind my teeth together as a splintering pain shoots up through my mid-section. Looking down, I notice that my black clothing was slowly starting to take a darker shade. 

I re-opened my wound. 

Looking down at it for a few seconds, I rise from my crouched position and begin walking in the direction of the river I usually train at. 

Fuck it. I'll deal with the consequences later. 


Sighing, I look down at the water through the mask that adorned my face. To be a true Sairen, one must be completely at ease around water. Whether it be a calm river, to the storming ocean, a true Sairen will never feel like they are in danger if water is near them. 

Taking small steps towards the water edge, I watch as tiny ripples in the water reach the shore and flow over the tips of my boots. With a solum gaze, I continue to walk, refusing to stop even as the water reaches above my head. 

Infusing Chakra into my feet once again, I keep myself planted in the river bed as I continue to walk deeper and deeper into the now dark waters of the river. 

My hair floats around wilding as the water tries and carries it up towards the surface. Sitting down, I cross my legs and put my fist together, creating the same stance that I did back on the mission to the Land of Waves. 

Breathing out, bubbles rise above me as I close my eyes and relax all the muscles in my body. 

There I sat, meditating and concentrating on my Chakra control. I continued to sit there for the next 6 hours, and it wasn't until the end of said 6 hours, did I finally have to come up for a breath of air. 

Returning to the surface, I allow myself to float on the water as I stared up at the beautiful blue sky. 

Let the training begin. 


Sorry for the short Chap! This is what happens when I reach the end of my books, and I run out of ideas of what to write!!!! pjsbprfbwhf b[quhbref-iuqberfubq-rubf-qu


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