Chapter 28

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you haunt the devil

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you haunt the devil.

Transforming heartache into lessons

Refusing to remain down

When falling

Not afraid to stare

Your abusers in the eyes

The devil fears women like you

-A beautiful composition of broken


The sound village was created a week before I murdered my family. News traveled fast, and when it reached the Sairen compound....we Sairen's were anything but happy. Even I, who was constantly being beaten, ridiculed and starved, still felt great anger and hatred towards the village. I had too much clan pride in me not to feel the way I did. The Sound Nin had fundamentally stolen our sound Jutsu and called it their own. That was the only problem that we had with it, because it was no secret that people outside the clan used Sound Jutsu, but they still didn't claim it as their own. So we allowed it instead of irradiating them. Still, the only reason I even know about these affairs, is because I remember my father used to have heated conversations with Oji-san and Nii-san about it.

After the news got out about the village and what they're doing with our Jutsu, we became very vengeful. We Sairen are very aggressive when provoked, and since Sound Jutsu don't work on us...we were out to kill. Sound nin know perfectly well to stay away from us if they value their lives.

I smirked at the thought and walked over to Mamoru, Rin, and Tekeshi; who were positioned on the other side of the room. As I neared them, I noticed that each of them were giving the Sound death glares.

I hear Rin give off a growl, which was soon followed by Mamoru and Tekeshi. I resisted the urge to do the same, instead resorting to merely glaring in their direction again. As more and more people trickle into the room, I cleared my throat, trying to grab the attention of the three. Ultimately I failed.

I feel Obi and Shizunai tense beside me when my glare hardens. "Mamoru, Rin, Tekeshi." My venomous tone instantly got their attention, as they all turn and look at me, their deadly looks not faltering for a second. I look away from the Sound, and lean my body up against the wall, cross my arms and tilt my head towards the floor. To anyone that looked at me, I was someone that was not to be approached.

"Wait till later on in the exams...we'll show the Sound Ninja what it's like to mess with the Sairen Clan." A sick grin spreads across my face, causing Obi and Shizunai to take a cautious step back from me. The other three reacted differently, and instead returned my grin with their own.

"Will do, but I call dibs on the chick with the shitty attitude." Rin motions towards a particular Sound Nin that took every chance she got to sneer at everyone. She even went as far as to pull out a Kunai and point it at some of the Genin that passed them. I let out a snort and nod my head. "You can have her."

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