Chapter 45

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(listen to song throughout Chapter)

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(listen to song throughout Chapter)

Bloodshot, black-ringed eyes stare ominously at me from the bathroom mirror. Cracks spidered across the once flawless glass, blood seeping into the tiny crevices on the now imperfect surface. Gritting my teeth, I ignore the throbbing in my fist, cleaning up the blood on my hands without a sound.

Making my way downstairs, I stare blankly ahead as I meet the gaze of my family.

black funeral clothing adorned my body, and as I near Kakashi and Hikaru, I see that they are dressed in similar attire. A heavy feeling settles in my heart, sadness threatening to rip me apart from the inside out.

Almost numbly, I grab Hikaru's outstretched hand, both of us staring at each other in silence before turning and making our way out the door. Following behind us silently, Kakashi offers no words of comfort or sympathy, knowing full well that, that is the last thing I want right now.

The streets were silent, people filing down the street dressed in black, and heads turned down towards the ground. Grey clouds flew over-head, their colour reflecting everyone's mood during this sad day.

Refusing to allow my emotionless mask to break, I keep my head forwards and focus on arriving at my destination. From the corner of my eye, I watch as cautious and sympathetic glances are thrown in my direction. A slight pressure is applied to my hand, and as I turn my head towards Hikaru, he gives me a reassuring nod.

I am unable to muster the same action, instead, I merely turn my head away from him and continue to walk.

As we walk down the street, a familiar flower shop catches my eye, causing me to come to a stop.

"You two go on ahead, I'll be there in a sec-" My voice comes out hoarse and scratchy, rough from the lack of use over the last day or so.

Walking into the shop without waiting for their response, I instantly head towards the red flowers. I will not simply suffice with a common lily, I was not just another Shinobi to Hiruzen-Sensei...He was my Sensei, my friend, and my family.

He does not deserve a simply Lily from me.

And neither does Pandora or Nagisa.

Walking towards the darkest of flowers, I pick a Crimson Rose. The colour symbolizing the sheer amount of grief and sorrow that runs through my body. Looking around the shop that I presumed to be empty, I left without paying.

Clutching the Rose to my chest, I ignore the thorns that prick at my skin as I make my way towards the funeral service.

Arriving, many heads turn towards me as I make my way towards the front. Standing beside my friends and family, I keep my head turned towards the front stubbornly. Pictures of the fallen decorate the area in front of me. The largest picture depicting an image of the Third Hokage, My sensei.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now