Chapter 49

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One week and three days later.

Things have been getting worse.

Sasuke has been distancing himself from anyone, and anything, including myself. Many times over the past week, I've tried to talk to him, but he simply refused to even utter a word to me. The Uchiha seemed to forget that I was stubborn, but even a stubborn and persistent person needs to face the facts after a while.

Sasuke was leaving, and there was no way that I was going to be able to stop him.

Worse even...I had a gut feeling that he planned on leaving a couple minutes to be exact...he'll leave without telling a single soul. I won't try to stop him, but I sure as hell am going to be there for when he leaves.

Groaning silently, I move my stiff limbs and untangle myself from the human pretzel that I somehow created with Hikaru and Ren. Quietly, I manage to get out of bed and make it outside without being detected by Kakashi or Hikaru.

With as much speed as I could muster, I ignore the painful feeling in my heart as I make my way towards the village gates.

If I feel like he's going to leave today, I am not going to ignore my gut feeling. After all, it's never been wrong before, so I'm not going to doubt myself now of all times. Rushing to the gates, I see a head of pink hair laying on a bench, and an Uchiha crest walking towards the gates.

Skidding onto the paved road, I let out a low hiss. "Sasuke!"

Sasuke pauses but doesn't turn around, instead sufficing with staring ahead of him with his hands in his pockets. "Are you here to stop me as well?"


Sasuke turned around immediately, his eyes wide with shock and his lips slightly parted. "b-But I thought out of everyone.-"

Sighing, I shake my head and walk towards him, looking him dead in the eye. "Out of everyone, you should know that I understand exactly how you feel right now, which is why I'm not stopping you. But- At least listen to my earlier advice. Before you kill Itachi, know the full story okay? Please don't make a decision that you will regret."

Sasuke's eyes suddenly turn hard and cold, a frown taking over his features. "I won't regret it." I sigh softly and shake my head. Reaching out quickly, I pull Sasuke into a tight hug.

"I'm not going to stop you Sasuke. As your friend, all I want is for you to be happy, and If you're not happy here in Konoha, then I'm not going to keep you in a place that you despise.-"

I let out a shaky breath, and pull Sasuke into an even tighter hug (If that was possible.)

"-just please always know that you will always have a home here...You will always have friends, and even family to rely on if you need us. I consider you my brother Sasuke, and being apart of my family means that I am willing to lay down my life for you....just...please don't lose sight of who you are.."

At this point, I was struggling to keep the tears. Deep down I didn't want Sasuke to go, but I also knew that he needs to in order to grow as a person. I feel Sasuke lift up his arms as he slowly hugs me back.

"Thank you." utters Sasuke quietly.

"What are family for?" Pulling back, I give Sasuke a soft, yet sad smile, tears threatening to spill. Giving me one last look, Sasuke turns and walks away.

My heart clenches painfully, and I struggle to breathe as I watch my dearest brother walk away from the life he could have had. From the family and friends, he had earned. From the trust, he had gained. From the life, he had established.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now