Chapter 46

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"For the last time. You do not have the skills to take on a job higher than C-rank."

The Genin before me look at me with distaste as I simply continue to file through some papers. I have to much work to do, I don't have the time to deal with them.

"Who made you in charge anyways?! You're the same age as us!" Snarled the tallest boy of the three. Sighing, I set down the papers, and let Hikaru's mist swirl out around me. The three Genin take a step back, their eyes widening in fright.

Slowly, I stand from my seat and glower at them dangerously. Hikaru stands beside me, his arms crossed, and his eyes set into a deadly glare. My voice comes out as a low rumble, a warning evident in it.

" I was put in charge because the Council believed me to be fit for the job. I'm the same age as you, yes, but keep in mind I am a higher rank then you. Meaning I am far stronger than you, remember, I passed the Chunin exams for a reason.-"

Leaving Hikaru standing there, I move around the desk and lean across the front, arms and legs crossed. "By all means, you can go on a B-rank mission if you wish, but I will be talking to your Sensei about it first. After I talk to him about it, I will prepare your funeral service, because you won't survive the experience."

I held their gaze, and after awhile, the three still refused to answer to me. Instead of choosing to stare at me with wide and scared eyes. Sighing, I uncross my arms and wave towards the door. "Get out."

They run without a moment's hesitation.

Shaking my head, I turn back towards the chair behind the desk, ignoring Hikaru's piercing stare. "Why do you put up with this? It's obvious that you don't want to be in charge." Hikaru's says, his voice portraying his confusion.

I run my hands down my face, rubbing my eyes as I let out a small yawn. "Because there's no one else willing to take up this position until Tsunade, Naruto, and that other person come back."

I don't know who the third person is, Naruto refused to allow me to meet him. He simply said that he would much rather not have a dead body on his hands.

Why would I kill that person?

Groaning slightly, My eyes threaten to close as I take some more papers, reading them over as carefully as I can. Hikaru reaches out and snatches the papers from my hand before I can react. Setting the papers on the desk, Hikaru take my hands and pulls me up to my feet.

Shaking my head, I pull away from him and move back towards my seat. "You need to take a rest-"

My sigh cuts him off. "I cant, Hikaru. I can't afford to rest-" I end my sentence abruptly, a new sense of energy pulsing through my veins as I spot a familiar symbol.

My clan symbol.

Reaching out, I snatch the scroll into my grasp and rip it open quickly. It was from the head of the Sairen. Hikaru stands behind me, reading the words over my shoulder.

"A missing ninja of the Sairen Clan, a former Kirikagure Shinobi has been spotted amongst the Konoha ninja. I would like to formally tell you, that we wish to have Shizukana Sairen brought back to our custody. Refuse to bring her back to us will mean an all-out war between Kiri and Konoha. We expect to have her within the next two months, however, if she can complete a certain mission for us, we will allow her to stay in Konoha for only a year. If she should not show up after one year, the alliance between our clan and Konoha will be void. Regardless of what happens.....we want her brought to us." Hikaru says reading out what some of the note says.

I sit there, slightly shaking in my seat. Complete the mission, or leave in two months...leave, or cause an all-out war against a clan full of dangerous Genjutsu and Kekki Genkai users.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now