Chapter 43

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Screams filled the air, each and every one filled with horror. The terror of these screams affected me, as it seemed to seep into my bones and create an underlying sense of panic.

This was not how the Chunin exams were supposed to end, Konoha wasn't supposed to be attacked. I wasn't supposed to be fighting for my friend's lives.

But alas, here I was.

Knocking out of my daze, I look around to notice more than half of the stadium was knocked out, and that the screams of terror were coming from further off in the village.

Growling, I pull out a kunai and spot the Sairen group fighting off some ninja. All of us were completely unaffected by the Genjutsu.

jumping out into the area, I run towards Gai and Kakashi. Ducking, I avoid a Kunai to the head. Whipping around, I move towards my attacker and quickly embed a kunai in the sound ninja's throat.

The man gurgles on his blood for a few seconds before falling limp on the ground. Quickly, I move away from the corpse and jump towards the two Jounin, my back to them, and Kunai raised.

"Enemies?" I asked roughly, throwing a kunai at an approaching ninja, who I quickly identified to be another Sound ninja.

"Sound, and the Sand. Kill without mercy, and protect any and all civilians. We need to drive them out." Kakashi says 's with a snarl.

Nodding, I quickly put my kunai in my pouch. "I need you to cover me." Both Gai and Kakashi give a simple nod before surrounding me, protecting me from any attacks.

"After you're done whatever you're doing, I need you to go after Sasuke and Gaara. I already sent Naruto and a group, but they might need backup." I simply give Kakashi a nod before using my fangs to pierce the skin on my hand.


Black mist and smoke fill the area, momentarily leaving some enemies confused. When the smoke and mist clear, four summonings stand before me. All of which are standing tense and rigid, ready to fight at any moment.

With a hard and calculating look passing over my face, I quickly give my orders. "Ghost, Nagisa! I need you two to head towards the innermost part of the village. Your mission is to protect the citizens from enemy ninja. The enemy has been identified as Sand and sound ninja. Be careful, be safe, and complete this mission."

They both give me curt nods before turning around and bounding off. Either avoiding or attacking ninja as they headed towards the main village. I turn my attention towards the sea eagle. "Nymiria, your mission is to fly above the battlefield and to let out high pitched shrieks if you find an enemy ninja. If possible, warn any ally ninja in the nearby vicinity, and help them deal with the problem. If there is no ally ninja nearby, then deal with them on your own. "

Nymiria lets out a blood-thirsty shriek. "As you wish!" Nymiria takes off to the sky and instantly disappears into the clouds above.

I look towards Hikaru, my expression even more serious as I take in the trident that he has summoned. "You're with me. We're going to help out Naruto and his group. Our mission is to help retrieve Sasuke and Gaara. As well as eliminate any and all enemies ninja we encounter."

Pulling out my kunai, I infuse it with chakra and turn towards Kakashi and Gai who were currently dealing with some ninja. Kakashi gives me a nod of approval.

"You're already acting like a squad leader, I'm proud of you." In any other moment, I would have smiles and thanked him, but the situation was too serious at the moment.

I give him a simple nod in thanks before taking off towards the huge amounts of Chakra that was coming from the north-east portion of the Konoha forest.

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