Chapter 52

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A girl lay peacefully on her bed, her head turned as she stares blankly out the window. Her stomach wrapped in gauze, and red chakra still flaring everywhere, the girl looks lonely towards the outside world. Greasy white hair hangs limply down her shoulders, the once crystal white strands in desperate need of a wash. 

Sighing, the girl turns slightly and grabs the paper and pen that rest on the table next to her. Wincing slightly from the strain put on her wound, the girl begins to write. Upon request, her adoptive father had brought her three of her pendants, and multiple sheets of paper. 

Sighing, Shizukana wipes away stray tears as she writes down her own autobiography, the recollection of her life causing her to relive her memories. She tells of her birth, of her family, and of her life up until this point. Shizukana doesn't know if she's going to be alive to tell these things to the people she wishes too. How she wishes she didn't have to resort to writing simple letters, but it's the most she can do when she'll be stuck in a hospital bed for the next half year. 

A few tears drip onto the page as she comes to the end of her first letter. She's said her farewells, and she's said her thank you's. 

Thank you for being in my life. 

Thank you for being there. 

Thank you for giving me a chance. 

Thank you for loving me. 

Thank you for giving me a reason to live. 

Taking a red pendant from her lap, Shizukana places it on top of the letter and repeats her process. 

She creates three letters. 


  Sighing, I place down the last pendant to the corresponding letter and lean back in my bed. reaching out with a lazy arm, I smack the red emergency button half-heartedly. Almost instantly, Tsunade rushes in with a swarm of other nurses, each and every one of the ready to deal with whatever emergency there was. 

Beside Tsunade and all the nurses was an older looking man with white hair and red lines on his face. His face was screwed up in a confused expression, but after seeing me and my blank stare, he burst out laughing for some reason. 

"Ha! It would seem that the kid played a prank on ya!" The man continued to joyously laugh, his mirth almost being contagious. Alas, I was in no mood for smiles. 

With a growl, Tsunade ushered out the other nurses before turning to me with an angry glare. "That button is to only be used in emergencies!" 

I scoff and turn and look at the other man with an eye roll. "This is an emergency." 

Crossing her arms, Tsunade shakes her head at me and fixes me with an even stronger glare. "Go on, then. What was so important that you had to press the emergency button." 

Ignoring her question, I lock my eyes with the older man again, my eyes narrowing into slits. "Who is he." It came out as more a statement rather than a question, causing the man's smile to drop momentarily before it coming back full force. 

"I am Jiraiya, The toad sage!" He said proudly. 

My eyes widen as the name instantly rings a bell. Jiraiya mistakes my reaction for a good thing, his face brightening and instantly becoming happy. "She recognizes me-" 

Tsunade raises her hand and clamps it over his mouth as she instantly becomes uneasy, a grim look passing over her features. "I don't think you should be happy that she knows you." 

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora