Chapter 29

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The silent

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The silent

you can tell, you just know

you always do

no man on this earth

could keep secrets

from a woman like you

but i hate this idea

of knowing everything

and saying nothing

i hate this idea

of a woman being silent

- A beautiful composition of broken by r.h Sin


My team instantly reacted the moment they looked at me. Each one had a look of determination on their face, heck even Sakura did. Yet at the moment I could hardly think straight, the world was hazy as all I could think about was killing the Sound nin. Even though they hadn't done anything personal to me, I still wanted them dead.

"Sasuke! Take care of Nee-san! I'll get Rin!" Naruto orders, as he run towards us. The four of us barley payed any attention to them as we continued to stalk towards the three Sound nin, who were currently standing frozen before us pitifully. I feel a sadistic grin make it's way across my face, I wanted to rip apart the boy with his face covered. He seemed to be the leader of this little group of theirs, and everyone knows that if you take down the leader. Everyone else begins to crumble, making it easier to take them down.

My field of vision is blocked by a set of piercing black eyes that seemed to stare right into my soul.

It was Sasuke.

In the background, I could hear Sakura and her clone speaking to Tekeshi and Mamoru in soothing tones, and Naruto trying to talk some sense into Rin. I stare Sasuke down, daring him to stop me.
"Move out of the way, Sasuke." My voice wasn't threatening anymore, but it was clipped and left no room for argument. The more time I spend talking to him, the more time the Sound have to get away.

Sasuke's hands fly up, and without a care in the world, his hands rest on either side of my face. Keeping our eyes locked, he speaks in a low voice, that wasn't threatening. No it wasn't threatening at all, it was almost soothing in a way.

"You need to calm down Shizukana...Look i'm...I...(Sigh)....I apologize for prying into your business, okay? And as for those Oto Ninja.-" A small smirk makes it's way onto his face, and he brings our foreheads together.

"Wait till later before you give them hell, do all you can to them later, okay?" I heave out a tired sigh, but I reluctantly nod. Truth be told, I had momentarily forgotten about his prying just moments ago....but the only reason I was calming down....was because this reminded me of the Mission to help Tazuna......How I had ran my fingers through his hair as I told him my story.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now