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(Please listen to song throughout this chapter)

1 year later

     A sad smile adorns my face as I enter the living room with my travel pack in hand, and Ren sitting on my hip.

"Mama? Do we really have to leave?"

I look down at the green-eyed boy beside me. "Yes, I'm sorry, but we have to go."

Ren merely nods slightly, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. At the age of five, we were already being forced to move away from those that love him.

Moving to stand in the middle of the room, I set Ren down and push him gently in the direction of Hikaru.

Sending Hikaru a desperate look, I turn to face the man that was leaning against the door frame. He looks at me with sad eyes, his body shaking slightly as he gets up and makes his way over to me.

Reacting instantly, I outstretch my arms and lung at Kakashi, engulfing him in a tight hug. Tears falling from my eye as my strong demeanour finally breaks. Kakashi wraps his arms around me protectively, his head coming down to rest atop mine.

"My precious little girl...." Leaning down, he plants a kiss on my forehead, his arms shaking as he continues to hold me tightly.

"I'll come back... I promise.."

"Don't make a promise you can't keep." Letting go of me, Kakashi steps back and silently watches me as I gather some more of my things, and make my way towards the door. reaching out, I grip the door handle harshly before ripping open the door and motion for Hikaru and Ren to walk through. Looking at me with a solum stare, Hikaru hands me Ren before turning and lunging at Kakashi.

For the first time since I've known Hikaru, he's swallowed his pride and hugged Kakashi.

"I'll miss you, old man.."

Kakashi hugged Hikaru back just as tightly, his feelings showing through as clear as sunlight shining through a clean window.

"Take care of her."

"You have my word...I'd die for her a thousand times over."

Clutching onto Ren, I raise a single hand and raise it to my mouth, swallowing the sob that threatened to make itself heard. Hikaru and Kakashi look at each other once more before turning away from each other.

Tears were falling from Hikaru's eyes, and as he took Ren from my arms, he hugged the life out of the small boy as the little one rested his head on Hikaru's shoulder.

"By By Grandpa.."

"Goodbye, kiddo."

Turning away, I blink away the tears and ignore the painful feeling in my heart. Walking out of the door, I stride out into the street with brisk steps, desperate to get away before it gets too hard.

Sticking my hands in my pockets, I make sure the two letters were with me before turning back to Hikaru again.

"I-I'll meet you two back at the front gates, okay? There's something I need to do before we leave."

Hikaru gives me a small nod but refuses to say a word as he turns and makes his way towards the gates.

Leaving Konoha isn't just hard for myself, but also for Hikaru and Ren. Both of them have created strong relationships during their stay in this village....so leaving is quite literally tearing them apart.

And it's all my fault.

Sighing sadly to myself, I push Chakra into my legs and run off towards the first compound that was the closest. The Inuzuka Clan compound.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now