Chapter 48

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Two weeks later

"Ren, sweety, I'll be right back okay? I just have to go check on Uncle Naruto and Uncle Sasuke." I look down at the small four-year-old with pleading eyes. Behind me, Hikaru snickers quietly at the predicament that I was currently in.

"I don't want you to leave!" Ren's vibrant green eyes shone with tears as he reached up with his arms, trying desperately to get to me. Sighing, I crouch down and reach a handout, ruffling Ren's hair affectionately.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, okay? You and Grandpa can play with the new toys I bought you!" Ren crosses his arms stubbornly, sticking out his lip in a pout, Ren looks towards the ground angrily.

Sighing, I look towards Kakashi for a bit of assistance.

Laughing, Kakashi throws his hands up in mock surrender. "Don't look at me! He picked up your stubborn habits, so this is entirely your fault."

Groaning. I look towards the ceiling in exasperation before looking back at the stubborn child. "Listen, Ren-"

Ren looks up at me excitedly, but when he see's my unforgiving eyes, his excited look drops. Realizing that I'm probably scaring him, I reach out and scoop him up in my arms.

Getting out of my crouch, I place Ren on my hip and look at him with a soft smile. "You can come with us just this once-"

"YAY!!!" Ren lets out a loud cheer, in which causes a laugh to escape from me. His happiness was contagious.

Still giggling slightly, I turn towards Hikaru and make my way towards the door, ignoring the eye rolls from Kakashi. "But next time I say no, you're going to listen. You can't always be following me and Hikaru around, we have things that we need to get done."

A small whine emanates from Ren, but he nevertheless nods his head and goes along with my words. Saying a quick goodbye to Kakashi, we sidestep all the box's and exit the apartment building.

Because of the new addition to the family, we were forced to move into an actual house. Because of the sheer amount of money Kakashi has saved up from various jobs in the ANBU, we managed to get out hands on a relatively large home.

Unfortunately for me, that means that I have to paint over my murals and repaint them in my new room once we move. Shaking my head at the thought, I step onto the street and instantly spin around in a circle.

Laughter erupts from Ren, his tiny hands clutching me desperately as he tries not to fly out of my hands. Jokes on him, cause he's perfectly safe in my arms.

I finish spinning, and blow a wisp of hair out of my face, a smile adorning my features. I turn and look at Hikaru, who was watching us both with a small smile on his face.

"That kid has you wrapped around his finger." Teases Hikaru.

I scoff and turn my head defiantly. "As if! need I remind you what happened not even three days ago?! You and Ren come home from grocery shopping with four tubs of ice cream, you excuse? 'Ren wanted Ice cream.'"

Hikaru rolls his eyes and lets out a small huff. "he couldn't decide which flavour he wanted!"

"Not the point! We spoil him too much, and he'll think that he can get anything he wants."

"Mama?" I snap my head towards Ren, who was regarding me with a confused expression. Once he see's that he has my attention, he continues to speak. "A-Am I being bad? I'm sorry if I'm being annoying..."

Tears threatened to spill out of Ren's eyes, and I feel my heart clench painfully. I look at Ren with a soft and gentle expression, trying to tell him with my eyes that everything was fine.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now