chapter 5: Metanoia

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(n) the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life
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I glanced over at the calm ymbryne as she poured sweet tea into a glass cup and passed it over to me. I sat up in my bed. My bed. Miss Peregrine told me that I was welcome to stay in this room or join another person, so I decided to stay in here. I liked it in this room. It's quiet and cozy, and there was more than enough room for me to do anything I would like.

I smiled at Miss Peregrine and took hold of the warm cup. The comforting steam filled my nose and danced around the taste buds in my mouth.

"Adeira, if I ask you any questions that you do not feel comfortable with, just let me know and I can bring it up another time," Miss Peregrine said nicely, sitting down in a fluffy chair that she pulled over to my bed. It was the morning after my whole outburst. I agreed to answer her questions before I asked my own, so I pushed myself up on my bed and nodded.

She paused for a second before speaking very slowly, "What happened in Miss Parrot's loop?"

I clenched my jaw and shuddered at the thought of my nightmares. I began to tell her about everything. How Miss Parrot was suddenly overcome by sickness, and how it took her life only a few days later. How we couldn't get help from another ymbryne for the reset. And also how I watched the children die, without being able to help them.

She began to ask me questions about my life before I joined Miss Parrot's loop. I told her about my parents and how they never told me about my powers. Somehow, they already knew that I was peculiar, but they didn't live to tell me themselves.

There was always this woman. She would watch me everyday when I walked my family's dog. During the day, at night, rain or shine. She was always there. I thought nothing of it at the time. My dad just said that she was a crazy old lady that had seem some bad things in her youth. Naturally, I accepted that response and went on with my quiet life in 1914 before I came home one night after walking my dog.

I went inside of my house and unleashed Roxie. She didn't move. She began to whimper, and laid at my feet.

"Dad? Mom?" I whispered. I crept inside of my house and found my father lying face down on the floor. I screamed and ran over to him. Turning him onto his back with a grunt, my eyes widened. His eye sockets were black. There was nothing there. My hand reached up to my mouth and I began to shake.

A scream came from the backyard.

"Mom!" I ran outside to find my mother being whipped around in the air. Her body swung here and there, her long hair tangling in the wind. My eyes widened and my heart pounded. I tried to scream but no sound was made.

"Adeira! Run! 1930 find Miss Parrot!"

I shrunk back in fear and ran away. No sound escaped my lips anymore. The loss and fear of my family stole my voice away.

SPARK // Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now