chapter 13: Eccedentesiast

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(n) someone who hides pain behind a smile
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I scratched my head as I peered down at the textbook in front of me.

"Electricity Manipulation", the title read. I guess finding out about my peculiarity wasn't that difficult.

"Or uncommon," I whispered to myself. If someone in peculiardom made a book this huge about Electricity Manipulation, the peculiarity itself must be fairly common, right?

I sat up from my laying position on the grass and tucked my legs underneath myself, Indian style.

I came to learn that the most beautiful part of this loop's day was right now: almost midday. Where I sat, I was surrounded by shrubbery. Trees reached as far up to the sun as they could, flowers danced in the late-morning breeze, and birds flew by, landing on branches here and there. The grass around me was a perfect, grassy circle with the decoration of Mother Nature bordering each curve.

"Time to learn what I'm made of," I said with slight ambition. I was terrified.

~ ~ ~

I must have been out there for hours. I skipped lunch, feeling no warning of hunger in my stomach. The only thing swimming around in my stomach were butterflies, but then they would be flying I guess.

After non-stop reading, my eyes blurred with exhaustion. I closed my eyes for a second, just to be able to regain myself, and continued to read. But this time, I skipped reading the rest of the background story. I wanted to get to the control aspect.

Flipping about two inches of pages, I scanned for a starting place. My eyes landed on a picture. An old Peculiar stood with his hands in front of him like he was playing an accordion. Though, in place of an instrument was a spark of electric light, stretching from one hand to the next in a sparking mass. His eyes glowed in the black and white picture, and his hair even stood up on his head. I laughed lightly, imagining his hairs reaching for some sort of prize.

I read the description of the picture.

Quinn Tilga. Static Electricity Manipulation.

Though he and the topic were interesting, it's not what I was looking for. The different descriptions of what a peculiar with this ability could master easily weren't close to what I had experienced. Nothing about my veins glowing, or my eyes changing color, or that fact that I was physically drawn to a hollowgast. . .

SPARK // Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now