chapter 18: Paroxysm

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~A/N: Thank you SO MUCH for 500+ votes and 200+ comments!! It's so nice to talk to you all. <3 ~

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(n) a sudden outburst of emotion
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When we made it back home, Miss Peregrine set up supplies for a picnic. We all made our own baskets and chose our seats in an open, grassy area where few trees stretched to the sky. A small hill rolled down into the property's pond, and wild flowers grew neatly in scattered rows. It was mid-day, and the sun pawed lazy rays of light onto our hungry bodies.

Claire, Enoch, and I all sat together in a slightly shaded area. We were only a little bit distant from the main group of peculiars, who all insisted on layering their blankets together to form a group-picnic. Once in a while, I would catch the curious glance of a peculiar child, or a raised expression from Miss Peregrine herself. To why they stared at the three of us, I haven't concluded why.

I turned my attention towards Enoch and laughed. Filled with plump grapes, Enoch's mouth lumped outwards, entertaining Claire. He quickly spit them out as I noticed him, and I laughed even harder.

"Enoch," Claire started with a wide smile, "catch one in your mouth!"

Enoch groaned slightly, but obeyed the little girl with slight hesitation. Claire giggled furiously and I watched the two of them with a smile as Claire tossed a grape into Enoch's mouth.

"Your turn, love," Enoch said to the girl. I mentally 'awed' so hard that my hand placed itself over my heart.

Enoch threw a grape to Claire and she caught it in her back-mouth easily.

I grabbed a grape and threw it at Enoch, watching as it bounced off the side of his head. He glared at me, but it quickly turned into a smirk. I threw a grape into Enoch's mouth, and another into Claire's as well. Enoch laughed lightly and turned to me.

"Your turn."

I sighed and readied myself for inevitable embarrassment.

Enoch threw a round grape into the air and I leaned forward, attempting to catch the grape. It bounced off my forehead. Enoch laughed and I crossed my arms in defeat.

"Try again," Claire laughed, throwing a grape in the air.

This time, I leaned too far backwards, and landed on my back. Enoch and Claire laughed between each other and I even heard a few other peculiars chuckle from a distance.

"Now that was just sad," Enoch stated.

I rolled my eyes, but laughed along with them.

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