chapter 7: Querencia

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A/N: I just want to give you guys the biggest hug. When I open up my laptop and see one more vote on a chapter it warms my heart and I gain the biggest smile! Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me thus far. It absolutely means so much to me.
-Stay Peculiar-

 -Stay Peculiar-__________

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(n) a place from which one's strength is drawn; where one feels at home
• • •

I shifted in my bed uncomfortably, throwing the sheets off my body when I got hot. Dragging them up off the ground when I got cold again. Moving to my side, then to my back. Propping my head up on pillows, laying on only the mattress itself.

I couldn't sleep.

No matter what I did, my body wouldn't let me fall into the peaceful darkness that brings so much comfort and warmth. My brain was too busy thinking about everyone and everything.

After watching the loop's reset for the first time, I thought about my old home. Though it gave me terrible, terrible nightmares, I still attempted to fall into a deep slumber.

It never worked. Every time I closed my eyes I saw the children. Disembodied, bloody, drowning children that I couldn't save. Children that I watched die. Screaming was the only thing I was capable of doing. I did nothing.


That one word ripped holes in my body. I did nothing. I attempted nothing. I win nothing. I am nothing.

I furrowed my eyebrows and squeezed my eyes shut as hard as I could, trying to peel the gruesome images from my imagination.

A quiet knock came across my door. I jumped lightly, and slowly sat up in my inky-black room. Blinking a few times, I shoved the covers off of me and turned on a lamp as I made my way over to the door.

Tiredness overtook my body. It felt like I had to use all of my strength to pull the bedroom door towards me and peer down at the figure in front of me.

It was Claire.

"Hey sweetheart," I said groggily, kneeling down in front of her.

Claire stood in front of me with a light-pink onesie on. Her eyebrows were pursed together and she clutched a white bunny close to her chest. Her cheeks were a blotchy-pink and a few of her golden curls were wet with tears.

"I'm sorry to wake you," she whispered in her sweet accent. She rubbed away a few stray tears that landed on her cheeks with the back of her hand.

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