Chapter 1

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Kyle's POV

        Tap, Tap, Tap, was the only sound other than breathing that I heard. "Mr. Collins may you please stop taping your pencil. People are trying to take a test." I was pulled out of my daze by the teacher's voice. "Sorry, I'll stay quiet." I said back to her. "Good." She replied back. Well if you couldn't tell already, I am in class taking a test. Which I didn't study for... once again. However I'm good at this subject so I can get away with it, but for my other classes it's a different story. If I didn't have a lot of paper work to do lately I would be ok, but that isn't the story.  I could take a short break and just give the work to my beta, who just happens to be my brother Marvin, or maybe I could even give it to my third, who happens to be my best friend, Parker. But I feel like they have enough to worry about so I just keep the alpha work to me. I mean we are all seniors this year, so they should be worrying about school. It is their duty though to help the alpha out but again I don't want them to be failing classes because of the pack stuff. 'Shouldn't you be focusing on your test right now. I mean you only have about five minutes left in class.' I heard my wolf Gabriel say.  I looked up at the clock, and he was right. There was only about five minutes left, so I looked back down at my test, and noticed I only had ten out of 50 questions answers.  Fudge, I said to my self. Well this won't be the first test I haven't finished because I started thinking about other things. 'You could just fill it out randomly,' Gabriel said. I will admit that would be better than leaving all the bubbles blank.  With that being said I decided to just fill in random answers and hope for the best. 

   Once the bell rang, I left class and headed towards my locker. "Dude you looked stress out," Parker said, while I opened my locker. "I am, but there isn't anything I can do about it. " I replied back. HE just shook his head and said, "There is something you can do." "And what would that be?" "It's to relax." "And how would I do that? I mean I have a lot of school work I have to make up, then I have paper work to do later tonight, and after that I have to go patrol." "You know you could just let Marvin and I help out with the paper work, and I can even do your patrol shift later on, so you can just worry about catching up on your school work. Which you know you should just go home, I can cover for you in history. Which is our last class of the day, so you won't be missing anything really. " Parker said. "I don't want y'all to be stressing out about the paper work, I'm the alpha its my job." "Dude, it's ok really. And you know if the alpha is stressed the pack will sooner or later become stressed also. Especially since we don't have a Luna yet.So go home do some of your late work, and relax. Marvin and I got it covered ok?  " He did have a point there. "Fine, I'll go home, but if something goes wrong don't hesitate to get me becaus-" "Kyle it will be fine, now go." He said kind of shoving me into the direction of the door.  Once the bell rang to go to class I headed out the door. Which none of the adults seem to notice, or if they did they probably didn't care.  

       When I got into my black F-150, I drove off to my house. While I was leaving the parking lot though I noticed my sister, and her mate standing by her car making out. So of course I stopped and rolled my window down to tell her to get back to class. "Aren't you two suppose to be in class? " Alice stopped what she was doing and looked at me. "Aren't you?" I smiled. "Well, yes. But I can leave if I want since I'm the alpha." "Just because you are the alpha doesn't mean you get to leave school whenever you want. What do think mom would say if she found out that you said that that." "She has point there," Noah said. I glared at Noah. "Fine, don't go back to class." After I said that, I went back to driving.  

 Once I got to my house, I just sat in my truck for a few minutes.  'How about we go running? We haven't been for a good run since you started school. And that was about a month ago, so I think its long overdue.' Gabriel said. 'You are right. It actually might help me relax.' I  told him back. I could tell he was jumping for joy about running. I smiled, and got of my truck and went to the edge of the woods and shifted.  'It always feels good being in this form,' he said. After a few minutes of stretching I took off.  I could feel the wind running through my black fur, and to be truthful it felt amazing. I didn't know where  I was headed but I didn't care, because I was actually starting to relax. When I got to the river I stopped to take a drink. While I was drinking I heard a little girl singing. And I could smell she wasn't from around here, and she didn't smell like a wolf. 'We should go check it out,' Gabriel said.  I nodded my head, and started walking in the direction of girl.  I hid behind a couple trees, and while slowly walking closer to the young girl, I stepped on a twig. Damn it. The girl turned towards my direction. "Who goes there?" The little girl asked. I didn't move, I just kept as quiet as I could be. "I can see you. You know? " How could she see me I was hiding behind trees. Then I looked at the trees, and knowing my size these trees barely hid me. 'Idiot,' Gabriel said. 'Shut up." I replied back. I decided since I was caught by the little girl I would just walk over to her. She didn't seem to be older then five,and she had green eyes, and brown curly hair that came a little bit above her shoulder. 

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