Chapter 14

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Sarah's  POV

       I have been home for about a week now. My emotions are still kind of all over the place, but not as bad as it was. Which Kyle has been helping me through it, and I'm glad to have him here to help me because I have no clue what I would do if he wasn't.  My mom doesn't know I'm spending time with Kyle again, well if she does know then she doesn't say anything to me about it. I guess she is afraid I'll leave town again. She told me Ramona was coming back home today from hanging out with our grandparents during the holidays. Which it made me feel bad that my mother was alone during that time, but it's not like she celebrates them anyway.  

       I was currently cooking breakfast, when I heard the door open and came a screaming Ramona. "Sarah!!!" She yelled. Causing me to stop cooking, and turn around. She engulfed me into a hug. "I'm so glad you are back. Kyle and I were worried about you. " She then pulled away. "Did you go see Kyle? If not we must go see him now." She said starting to pull my hand. I laughed. "Why are you laughing, this is serious." "I already saw him Ramona. He is fine now." She then looked relieved. "Well I'm glad, but I still want to see him. While you were gone Kyle and I became best friends. Well to me he is my best friend." I smiled at how she and Kyle were getting along very well. "Okay, we will go see him once I'm done cooking." She nodded her head and went to go see our mother.  

     When I was finally done cooking Ramona and I headed to Kyle's house. As much as I told her we could just drive to his house she insisted that we walk. Once we got to his house we went through the front door. When Ramona and I walked in the living room I saw Alice sitting on the couch with a blanket around her. "You okay?" I asked walking over to her.  "No, I caught a cold. Which my mother made me come over here because Marvin and Kyle are sick as well. So our mother insisted that we stay in the same house so it will be easier for her to take care of us." She said. I could tell she was really stuffed up. "Where is your mother?" "She went over to get Marvin. Which neither Kyle or I heard from him, but my mother said once one of us gets sick we all get sick, so she went over to his to bring him over here. " "Oh. Well do you happen to know where Kyle is?" "He is in his room. " She answered. "Ramona can you stay down here for a little bit?" "Why?" She whined. "Because-" "Please let me come, I won't be loud." She begged cutting me off.  Before I could answer Kyle's mother walked in the door with a sick Marvin. He had a blanket wrapped around him, and a thermometer in his mouth. "Alright sit here next to Alice, and let me go see how Kyle is doing. " His mother then saw me standing there. "Sarah! I had no clue you were back in town. Well since you are here I need you to go check on Kyle for me, and hi Ramona. How about  you help me with cooking some soup. " "Okay." Ramona said with a smile. I guess while I was gone she met Kyle's mother. 

    I walked up the stairs to Kyle's room. When I opened the door, I saw a sleeping Kyle bundled up in sweaters, and blankets.   His side of the bed was also covered in tissues, and he had medicine on his night stand. I saw it hasn't been touch. Please tell me he was taking the medicine. I walked over to him. I placed my hand across his forehead. He was burning up. "Kyle," I whispered while sitting next to him,and placing my hand on his shoulder. "Kyle?" I said. I know I shouldn't be waking a sick person up, but I needed to know if he was taking his medicine, and he was just really burning up so I wanted to make sure he was okay.  After a minute or two of poking his shoulder he woke up.

 Kyle's POV

     When I woke up this morning I felt horrible. I walked down stairs to get some water and I heard a knock on my door. "Kyle, please open the door." I heard my mother say. What was she doing here. I opened the door, and there stood my mother with Alice. She had a blanket around her. They both came in, and my mother told Alice to go sit on the couch. Before I could say anything she put a thermometer in my mouth. "Wha-" "Shh. " She said. She then took it out and looked at it. "Just as I expected you have a cold also."  Well that explains why I feel horrible. "Now I want you to go straight to your room, and lay down. I'm going to bring you some medicine." "Why is Alice here?" "I brought her over here because I knew you and your brother are probably sick as well, so I need all of you to be in the same place so I can take care of y'all. " "Mom, I'm 18 I can take care of myself. " "Don't you give me that I'm old enough to take care of myself crap because you didn't even know how to cook or clean, before I came over here and taught you.  Now go lay down, and I'll be up in a second."  I just listened to her and went back to my room. When I walked in here I felt very chilly, so I went to go put a sweater one. Let's just say two sweaters wasn't enough so I had to put on three.  Right when I was walking over to my bed my mother walked in with a tray, that had water, two small boxes of tissues, a napkin that had pills on it, and orange juice. "Didn't I tell you to lay down?" She asked after she put the tray on my night stand. "I was cold so I went to put a sweater on." I told her. "Well just get in bed. " She said. I followed her orders and got under my blankets. I was finally warm enough I thought. "Now I'm going to go get your brother, and when I come back that medicine better be gone." And with that she left my room. I knew why she emphasized the last part, it's because ever since I was a child i hated taking medicine. Which I still do.   I laid in bed using a few tissues here and there, until I finally started to get sleepy. I knew I should probably take the medicine but then again I'm strong enough to deal with out it. With thinking that I let sleep take over.       

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