Chapter 10

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Kyle's POV

       Well it's been a few weeks since the day after the dance. Nothing has changed that much since then. Sarah however has been a little more cautious lately, which I'm not really sure why. Every time I ask she just keeps telling me its nothing to worry about. This makes me worry even more, but I trust her so hopefully it isn't anything bad.  Right now its Sunday and tomorrow is school. Which we are only going to school until Tuesday because we have thanksgiving break starting Wednesday.  I don't see why we can't just have the whole week off, but it's my last year in school so I'm just not going to worry about it anymore. Sarah and I have really only seen each other at school, which kind of sucks. I really would like to see her more, but we both have been busy lately. Especially since it is football season now. The only reason I joined was because Parker and Marvin  made me.  Speaking of them we are all sitting in my living room playing video games.  Parker still isn't too fond of Sarah. Marvin is still warming up to her. Luckily he isn't against it as much as he was. Sarah and I haven't kissed lately either. Which Gabriel really misses. Even though we only kissed once, and that was the night of the dance. However Gabriel likes that we at least hold hands, and hug occasionally.  

         "Dude what the?!" Parker yelled. I snapped out of my daze and looked up. It seems like we lost again. "What happened?" I asked. "You happened. You were suppose to have our backs but you barely moved in the whole game. What's up with you lately?" He replied. "Nothing is up with me." I lied. The only think I have been thinking about lately is Sarah. I miss her even though I just saw her on Friday.  "How about we go for a run?" Marvin asked. Parker and I just looked at him. "We haven't been running together in forever. So I think we should. " He said. I let out a breath. "Fine lets go running."I said. We then got up and headed to the woods, and once there we shifted. 

        'This is long overdue you know,' Gabriel said. 'Yeah I know. I should have let you out sooner than this. I just been caught up in things.' 'I know what you mean. We haven't seen our mate in so long that it hurts. Especially since we haven't marked her.' 'Yeah.' With that I took off after Marvin and Parker. Throughout the whole run I kept thinking about what Gabriel said about marking her. I don't even think she knows I have to mark her. Of course I wouldn't rush her into it. While running we stopped at the river to take a break.  Then before I knew it Marvin jumped in it. He started to snap at the water with his mouth. Then I saw Parker jump in and tackled Marvin into the water. They started barking at each other playfully. I mentally smiled.  Right when I was going to jump in with them, I heard voices. One voice stood out to me. 'Sarah' Gabriel stated in aw.  Before I knew it I was running to her. Oh how I missed her. 'Dude where are you going?' Parker said through the mind link. 'You can't just leave us.' Marvin said. I ignored them and kept running to her. 

       When I found her she was with Ramona. They were just walking.  She looked amazing. She was wearing a sweater with a pair of jeans, and boots. I decided to shift, I went behind the tree and put a pair of shorts on. Then I walked over to her. 

Sarah's POV

      Well I haven't had any nightmares anymore since the last one a few weeks ago. I also haven't seen anymore people killed, or any more lilac flowers. Which this caused me to think he gave up on coming after me and left town. During the past few weeks, I have just been going to school, and staying home except for when I need to feed. Which means I have only seen Kyle at school. I would love to spend more time with him, but with all this stuff that I found out about my father I needed to stay home and watch over my mom and Ramona. I figured he is busy with football anyway, so he wouldn't noticed how little we hang out. 

        "Sarah," I heard my mother call from the other room. "Yes," I said walking to her. "Ramona said she wanted to go walking with you, so would you?" I nodded my head yes. Ramona then smiled and grabbed my hand, taking me outside. It felt chilly today, luckily I had a sweater and boots on.  She then let go of my hand when we were walking to the woods.  Hopefully no wolves would find us. I'm sure if they do Kyle will set them straight. I smiled just thinking about him. "Why are you smiling?" Ramona asked. "Just thinking about someone." "Were you thinking about Fluffy? I was. I was thinking about how I haven't seen him lately." I smiled. "I wasn't thinking about Fluffy." I told her. "Then Kyle?" "Maybe." She smiled and stopped me in my track. "You were. Do you like him? " It felt weird talking about this with a five year old, but what can it hurt. It's not like she will see him anytime soon, and I'm sure Kyle knows I like him. I mean I kind of told him when I was drunk that night. "Yes, I like him." "Well I don't like him. I like Fluffy better. He's cuter." I laughed. "Oh is he? " "He is. Have you seen his blue eyes?" She said going back to walking. I laughed again. "Yes I have seen them a few times." I just never thought about who I like more. To me they are the same person. Just one is more animal like then the other. Before I could say anything I saw Kyle walking towards us. "Kyle! We were just talking about you." I felt my cheeks grow warm. "Oh really?" He said with a smirk looking at me. Oh that smirk. It just makes me want to go over there and kiss him. Breathe Sarah. We can't be thinking like that. You are a lady. Even though we haven't kissed since then night of the dance. I smiled at that thought. 'He is our boyfriend. So we have every right to kiss him' A part of me thinks. 

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