Chapter 20

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Sarah's POV

          A week has passed, and today is the big day. Well for me anyway, I'm finally turning 18. Kyle is gone, he said he had Alpha things to take care of, so I'm home alone. Well for right now anyway. Ramona is coming home today, so I have to meet her at the house, and sadly break the news to her about her mother. The last thing I heard was that the vampire council decided she was a threat to our kind, and had to be dealt with. So long story short they killed her, for her actions. I do miss her a tiny bit, but then again she lost all my love and forgiveness when she tried to get Kyle killed.  Since I had nobody here to keep me entertain, I entertained myself. I blasted music from a stereo in the living room, and cooked myself breakfast. Luckily today was Saturday so that meant no school.  After I ate breakfast, I started dancing around randomly because why not.  

        "Wild ,Wild, Wild," "Wild, Wild, Wild thoughts," I sang along to the song.  While dancing I heard the door knob.  "Fudge," I muttered to myself. I then used my vamp speed grabbed the remote for the stereo turned it off, and sat on the couch.  Kyle then walked in the room. "What were you just doing?" He said walking closer to me. "Just sitting here," I said calmly. He gave me a smirk. "I heard the music, Sarah. Nobody has music that loud if they are just "sitting" here," He said. I stood up. He then pulled me into him. "Fine, you caught me. I was dancing," I said right before  he kissed my lips. "That's what I thought," he whispered in my ear. Which made my heart skip a beat. He then pulled away from me. "No you can't just do that," I told him. He can't just make me feel like my heart skip a beat and walk away. I think I deserve a kiss, or maybe more. Yeah lately a lot of dirty thoughts have crossed my mind. Before he could ask what I pulled him back, and kissed him. He then pinned me to a wall, and trailed kisses to his mark. Making my knees go weak. I felt him hold me tighter.  I let out a soft moan. He smiled against my skin. I then pulled his face back to mine, and placed my lips on his. I then jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me up with one hand on my thigh, while his other was running through my hair.  I smiled. He then started to carry me up the stairs, and stopping at his door. He then opened it, and placed me carefully on the bed while crawling on top of me. He trailed kisses to my collarbone. Making me let out a low moan. He slowly lifted my shirt up, and eventually taking it off. He then trailed kisses down to my tattoo. Making me hold his hair. I felt him smile again. I guess he likes the way he makes me feel. Which I'm not complaining because  right in this moment I wanted Kyle more than I ever had. I don't know if it was because of the mate bond or what, but I wanted Kyle. Right before I was going to tell him, his phone rang. Ugh. Who would be calling him? He then stopped kissing me, and sat up next to me.  "Hello," he said into the phone. I listened in to the conversation. 

   "Can you please get this thing? Every time I walk it attacks my foot." I heard  Marvin say. "Fine, I'll be right there." With that Kyle hung up. "I have to go. I'll be back later." He said giving me a peck on the lips. I gave him a pout. "Do you have to? It's my birthday, and I'm bored here all alone." I said sitting up on my knees. He did the same. "As much as I would love to stay here with you all day, I have to take care of a few things. And shouldn't you  be going to get Ramona now?" I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to me. "Yes," I responded. "Okay, I'll be back tonight, and we can do whatever you want." He said with a smile. I returned it and placed a light kiss on his lips,and pulled him into a hug. "You are making it really hard not to leave." He whispered in my ear. I smiled. "I'll see you tonight," I told him when he pulled away. He smiled, and headed out the room. I then put my shirt back on, and grabbed a pair of flats and my keys, and headed to my old house to get Ramona.  

      Right when I walked in the door, I heard my grandparents car pull up, and heard it pull away. Meaning Ramona was coming inside. Okay Sarah, it's time to tell her. She then opened the door and came running to me engulfing me in a hug. I smiled. "Happy birthday Sarah!" She yelled. She seemed more excited than I was.  "Thank you," I told her. When she pulled away she went into her room. I followed her. "Ramona," she turned to look at me. "Yeah?" "There is something I have to tell you about mom." I sat on her bed, and she sat next to me. "What about her?" I took a deep breath. "She isn't going to be here anymore, but I want you to know she wasn't her self while you were away. She changed into a bad person. But just know she loved you with all her heart, and she would want you to be happy." "She died didn't she? " "Yes," I said. "That must have been what grandma was crying about after she got off the phone with someone. " I nodded my head. "But listen, how would you feel about living with Fluffy and I?" I said Fluffy instead because I knew how she felt about Kyle. She smiled. "I would love it!" I smiled. "Good, because you have to come with me now to go over there." "Do I get to bring my toys?" "Yes, you can take your toys." After that we packed our things into my car, mainly Ramona's because that's all that would fit. She had a lot of toys and clothes. Once back at Kyle's we jammed out to music,  made some cookies, and watched movies. Throughout the whole day though my body still craved Kyle's touch,hopefully tonight Kyle and I could finish what we started. 

Kyle's POV

      I was sad to leave Sarah, especially since she was shirtless. I wanted to take her right then, but again I said I would wait until she is ready.  I walked over to Marvin standing on a chair with a broom. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I am protecting myself from that little devil." "What were you going to do? Hit it?" "Yeah?" I laughed. "It's not funny, that thing has some really sharp ass claws and teeth." I kept laughing. "Get off the chair Marvin," "Not until that thing is gone,and out of my house. Can't you just give her the damn thing now." "Not until tonight. I told you that already," I told Marvin.  I then heard what sounded like a girl scream, and Marvin held the broom up. I busted out laughing again. "Dude you scream like a girl." "Shut up! And get that thing please!" "Okay, I will," I said calming myself down from all the laughing. I walked over to where the little thing ran. I picked it up. "Since you are causing such a fit over this, I will just take it with me. " "Thank goodness because I don't know how much longer I would have been able to put up with it attacking me every thirty seconds." I laughed, and headed to the door. "I'll see you later brother." With that I headed back home. I looked over to my passenger seat to see it was sleeping. I smiled. I sure hope Sarah will love this. 

Sarah's POV

     While I was putting Ramona to bed, I heard the front door open. I finished tucking Ramona in, I ran down the stairs. I saw it was Kyle. I smiled, I missed him all day. After placing a wrapped box on the table, he turned to look at me. I then ran and jumped wrapping my legs around him. And crashing my lips against his. He seemed shocked at first, but kissed me back. We pulled away to catch our breath. "What was that for?" "I really missed you." He smiled. He then placed me on the ground, and walked over to the table. "Well I got you a present," He said handing me the box. I noticed it had holes in it. I gave him a look. He motioned me to open it. I placed it on the table, carefully undoing the wrapping and opening the box. Sitting in the box was this little fuzzball, that had a cream body, dark brown legs, it's face had a dark brown colored mask, and it had grayish blue eyes. I couldn't believe it. I picked it up, and held it close to me. It was so little and cute. I wanted to cry because it was so freaking adorable. "Well?" Kyle asked looking nervous. "YOU GOT ME A KITTEN!!!!!!" I yelled somewhat with so much excitement. "Oh good, I thought you wouldn't like it. But then again I knew you probably would because I remember Ramona saying you like cats. Even though I don't see why because dogs are way better- " I placed my lips on his to shut him up. I then pulled away, and continued to rub the kitten's fur. It was so soft.  "I then held the cat so I could look at it's face. "I'm going to love you, and hug you, and name you Leo." I told the kitten in a baby voice while touching noses with it. It then made the cutest little meow ever. I then placed Leo on the floor. He then found a little ball and started to play with it. I don't know how much cuteness my heart could take. I turned back to Kyle, who was getting some of the supplies for Leo.  I smiled. "Thank you, " I said placing a light kiss on his lips. "You are welcome. So what do you want to do?" He asked with a smile. I smiled. I really just wanted to pick up where we last left off from this morning, but I'll ease into it.  "This."I said pulling him close, and placing my lips against his. 

Kyle's POV

     Sarah was beyond happy when she saw I got her a kitten. I knew she probably would be. Even though I'm a dog person, I will get use to having Leo around I guess. After we put Leo in his cage, and got all his other stuff set up, Sarah led me to our room, and now we are laying in my bed making out. Sarah was on top of me, trailing kisses along my neck to my soft spot. I let out a low growl. She smiled against my neck, and placed light kisses all the way down my chest and stomach to wear my jeans were. I growled and flipped us over, so I was back on top. Gabriel was on the edge wanting to take control and claim what's his, but I'm still holding him off. I didn't want to do anything Sarah wasn't ready for. I placed lips back on Sarah's. When we were both out of breath, I went to kissing my mark. Which caused her to moan. I loved hearing her moan, because it shows how I make her feel. While I was going to kiss her chest she said, "I'm ready." I stopped kissing her, and looked her in her eyes. "Are you sure? I don't want to do anything you aren't ready to? And once my wolf takes control I won't have much say on what happens." I stated. She smiled and cupped my face. "I never been so sure about something in my life." I smiled and then I felt my eyes changed. Gabriel was in control. "I have missed you ,my love." She smiled. 

Author's Note:

    Well if you read my other stories, you probably know what I'm about to say. I'm not good with writing those types of scenes, so I'm just going to stop right there with what they are doing. Thank you for understanding. Talk to all of you again soon:)

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