Chapter 12

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Sarah's POV

    "Sarah! No!" Ramona screamed. I didn't listen to her, I continued to drink this guy's blood. I felt Ramona pulling my jacket, but I paid no attention. I didn't stop until the guy went limp in my arms. I dropped his body.   I turned around to see Ramona in tears. I could also feel a little bit of fear coming off of her.  I knew I had blood on my mouth still. I didn't really care enough to wipe it off.  "You killed him?" Ramona said with even more tears coming down. "What did you expect? We are vampires Ramona. This is what we do. We kill. It's time for you to see the real truth of what we are." She looked even more scared. Before I could say anything else my father showed up. "Now don't scare the poor girl." Ramona turned around , and I felt even more fear come off of her. "You are the man that gave me those flowers." "Well you have some good memory. Now don't worry I'm not going to hurt you anymore. I'm just here for your sister." He said. "What do you want now? " I said annoyed. He used his vamp speed and stood in front of me. "You got to be careful who you kill darling. I don't want you killing just anyone." "Why does it matter who I kill? You wanted me strong and the only way you can become the strongest you can be is drinking blood from a vein." "Yes, I did want you strong, but you just can't kill anyone. You got lucky with this one." "How?" "This guy was bad. He was going to get revenge, and luckily you  stopped him before he could go through with his plan. " He then looked into my eyes. "Only kill the bad people, do not go killing innocent people. You must stay pure." Great he compelled me again. And what is all of this about me staying pure.  "I'll explain more later, I must go now." With that he left. I then saw Kyle come from behind some trees. 

Kyle's POV

   I was driving back home from school and I heard a little girl scream. Which I recognized that voice it belong to Ramona.  I drove as much as I could into the woods, and then I ran the rest.  When I got to where Ramona was I first caught eyes with Sarah. She had what seemed to be semi fresh blood around her mouth. I then saw a Ramona in tears, and behind Sarah laid a guy. She couldn't have.  "Kyle!" Ramona came running to me. Engulfing my waist into a hug. "I'm scared." She said. I started to rub her back to help calm her down. "It will be okay." She sniffled a little. Which just caused my heart to break.  I crouched down so I was eye level to her. "How about you go home for right now." I said with a small smile. She nodded her head and took off to her house. 

    When Ramona was out of sight I walked over to Sarah. "Now I know you aren't okay. You scared her sister, possibly scarred her for life, and you killed a man!" I yelled. Sarah seemed unphased by my tone. "That guy was a rogue, the brother to the one you killed the other night. He was going to get revenge, and he was bad. Which I'm only allowed to kill bad people." What is up with her? "Why are you killing anyone for that matter?!" She looked annoyed. "I have to be strongest I can be, which I can only do that by drinking blood straight from the vein. Now if you will excuse me I have better things to do then stand here talking to you." That hurt. She acts like she doesn't even care about me, or about the person she just killed. Even if the person was bad the Sarah I know would still feel awful about doing it. So something is up, and I am going to find out exactly what. 


        For the next few days I have been watching Sarah from a distance. I haven't talked to her since the day she killed that rogue. Which I did some research on him and I found out it was just him and his brother on their own. So luckily I don't have to deal with anymore rogues planning on getting revenge for me killing that guy. 

     Today is finally thanksgiving, which currently my mother is making help her get all the food ready, and set up. As far as I know of Sarah is still planing on coming to the dinner. Which none of my family members have noticed how upset I have been lately. I have made sure to hide it well.  "Get your hands out of the bowl!" I heard my mother yell at my father from the kitchen. I was setting up the table. I laughed. I then heard something that sounded like someone got smacked. "I told you to keep your paws off the food until dinner!" My mother yelled. I laughed even more. "I'm sorry dear," my father replied.  For the next few hours my parents and I finished setting everything up. Then I heard the doorbell. Which meant that it's time to start this dinner. I still hope Sarah is coming. 

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