Chapter 17

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Kyle's POV

       Right when I got out of the shower I heard a knock on my door. Wonder who that can be? I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to answer it. When I opened the door, there stood a Sarah who had a few bags with her.  Before I could say anything she just grabbed her bags and walked in. She placed them in  the living room. "I couldn't do it anymore Kyle. I know I said I wouldn't leave Ramona, but I can't stay under the same roof with that woman. So I hope your offer still stands, about me moving in here." She said looking at me. I saw she was trying her best to not look down. I smirked a little, and walked over to her. I pulled her into a hug. "Of course it still stands. I am happy to have you live here with me." When I pulled away I placed a light kiss on her lips.  She gave me a small smile. "Now how about we take your stuff to the room, and you can tell me what your mother did this time that set you off?" I asked with a smile. She nodded her head, and grabbed the bags, and we headed to my room. 

      Once we got in there, she sat her stuff on the floor, and sat on the edge of the bed. I sat next to her.  "She has people now, well she says she does. Apparently if I didn't follow her last warning she was going to send them after you. Which as you can tell I didn't listen. I just think my mother is lying about them, I'm sure she probably is. " "If she does have people who are they?" I asked. "She has hunters on her side now. I found out why she wants to keep me away from you. She said she knows we are mates, and we have to complete the mating process. And since you are an alpha you have to bear a child to rule next. I told her I don't see why us having kids matters so much to her. Which we aren't having kids anytime soon, but she told me it can never happen. Apparently if we have a child it would be a hybrid. According to her it would be the first on ever in the history of our kinds, and one bite from it can kill a vampire or werewolf.  So she said that she was giving me one last warning. From the way she acts it seems like she wants me to reject you, and move on. But I don't want to do that Kyle. I love you too much to do that to either of us. And what she says about our kids can be lies for all we know. " Sarah finally said. She laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder to show her comfort.  I'm not really sure what to think at the moment.  I feel like her mother is telling the truth because who would lie about something that big?  I would have to do some research about hybrids later. If her mother is telling the truth I'm a little happy because I would know my child would be strong, but then again I wouldn't be so happy. The reason is because if they are the first ever in the history of our kinds that means if anyone finds out, other than my pack of course than people would try to catch them, to do experiments on. And I can't have my child go through that. 

     "How long are you going to sit here in a towel?" Sarah asked pulling me out of my thoughts. I smiled. "As long as I want too," I told her with a smirk. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes. I let out a small laugh. "Well I would prefer you dressed, " she said looking back at the ground. "Fine I'll go get dressed," I told her getting up and heading to the closet. I grabbed a hoodie because it was chilly in the house, and a pair of shorts and headed to the bathroom.  When I came back out, Sarah was sound asleep. I guess she was worn out from today.  I put a blanket on top of her, and placed a light kiss on her forehead. I then went to the library in my room. I felt like it was a good time to do some research on hybrids.  

    After a few hours of reading different parts of different books, I have found out hybrids have never happened, but it was possible for them to come into existence though.    Throughout our history no vampire or werewolf dared to engage in a intimate relationship. Which made me wonder if the moon goddess tried to set up two of us  before.  If she did that made me wonder what happen to them.  According to what I read if they were found in a relationship they were either burned or hang. 'That's pretty harsh,' Gabriel said. 'I know. But this stuff was written in the late 1600's so it makes sense. They did a lot of hanging and burning people back then.' I told him.  This was just a lot of information to take in. When Sarah told me what her mother said she sounded like she didn't believe any of it. So I'm not really sure if I should tell her what I found out.  I also did read that if a hybrid was created it would be the most strongest of our beings, and a bite could kill both of them. I wonder how they would know about the bite thing if there was never one in the history of us. The reason the bite is deadly is because their fangs contain a venom that is said to contain wolfsbane and lilac, and if both are combined makes it very venomous.  It did also mention that there was a possible cure. It said the cure would be the blood of a pure vampire/werewolf or the blood of the hybrid.  That then made me think of Sarah because she is a pure vampire, she told me she was because that was the only person who could kill the oldest vampire. Well this is just great. Both my mate, and future child could be in real danger. 'Then we must do everything in our power to protect them,' Gabriel said. 'Agreed.' I replied back. 

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