Chapter 7

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Sarah's POV

         I woke up with the feeling to feed. Of course, I thought. I sat up in my bed, I noticed my mirror was destroyed, so my reflection was broken. It made me feel broken. Thinking that just made me want to cry again, but I didn't. I just sat there and stared at the broken mirror not thinking about anything, just staring.  I was pulled out of my daze when I heard my alarm go off. I reached over and turned it off. It was about 5:45. I didn't know how long I sat there before that, but it made me forget the cause of me waking up before my alarm. I got off my bed and headed to the bathroom.  After I was done in there I went to my closet being careful not to step on the broken pieces of glass from the mirror that ended up on the floor. I will have to clean that up later. I grabbed a hoodie and a pair of jeans. After getting dressed I sat at my vanity and started to curl my hair. Which always takes a while since my hair is long, but the final result usually looks good so it's worth the time. While I waited for the curling iron to heat up I did my makeup.  Once I was finished with both my hair and makeup, I grabbed my keys and bag. 

      My mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, I gave her a peck on the cheek, and started to head to the door. "Would you like some breakfast before you leave?" "No I'm fine," I said walking out the door. I got in my car and headed to school. When I got out I saw two guys standing at there car looking at me with disgust. One of them was the guy that came to me yesterday. I'm guessing they knew what I was. Them staring though made me feel really self conscious, but I tried to not pay much attention to them. So I headed towards the building. When I walked in it was crowded like always. Breathe Sarah, you handled crowds before, so you can do it now. With that I walked to my locker. 

Kyle's POV

        Once I woke up I got dressed, and headed to school. I didn't bother eating breakfast this morning because it takes effort to cook something, and I didn't want to. When I arrived at school, I parked where I usually do, and got out my truck.  I walked inside the building, and went to my locker. I grabbed my books, and I saw Sarah still standing at hers, so I went over to her. "You look nice today." She gave me a look. "Really? You are really going to say I look nice when all I'm wearing is a hoodie and jeans. What is wrong with you? Like do I not look nice any other day?" She said closing her locker and turning back to me. "I'm sorry, I was just saying-" I was cut off by her laugh. Which this is the first time I saw her show any emotion in school. "I was joking with you." "Oh," She laughed again. "Will you stop laughing at me." I said. Which I guess the tone I said it in made her laugh even more. I was glad she was happy, but this just wasn't normal for her to be this happy. "I'm sorry I will stop, but the look on your face was priceless." She said calming down from laughing. I smiled. "I bet it was." I told her. I could see Marvin and Parker staring at us, well mainly her. I gave them a look, and they left and went to class. Good. I thought. "We should get to class." She nodded her head and we headed to class. 

         First period wasn't as bad as it has been. Sarah and I did talk some, but she mainly kept to herself and read her book, like she usually does. Which I didn't mind, I was just glad she wants to be with me now. Even though she still has some walls up, I can deal with it as long as she talks to me. When the bell rang I headed out to class, and to my locker, but first I told Sarah I would see her later and she nodded her head okay.  

        After having two more classes it was finally lunch. Which this was the time you were allowed to get tickets to the dance, so I when I walked in the lunch room I went to the ticket booth. There weren't many people ahead of me so I didn't have to wait long. "How many?" The lady asked. "Two please." I replied. She then grabbed two tickets, and asks for Sarah's and my name, and then handed them to me. "Thank you," I said , and walked away. I looked around and I didn't see Sarah so I'm guessing she went to the library. I decided I would go there instead of sitting at my usual table because I'm sure Parker and Marvin will have something to say about her, and I  did not want to hear it today. It would just ruin my good mood. When I walked in the library I saw Sarah sitting in a chair reading. She really loves reading. I walked over to her, and sat in the chair next to hers. "Are you just going to spend every free minute you have with me now?" She said looking up at me. "No , not every free minute." I said with a smile. Which she returned. "Well what do you want?" She asked. "I got your ticket for the dance, and I thought you would want to hang on to it." I said handing her the ticket. "Thank you, " She said taking the ticket. "Since this is a Halloween dance, they want us to wear costume but school appropriate costumes. " I told her. "I figured, which I don't know any good costumes." "My sister and her friend might be able to help you. Since they are girls and they know more about girl costumes than I do." She smiled. "They don't hate me like your friends?" "No,  she doesn't even know you so why would they?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Well I guess I could talk to your sister." I smiled. "Great, I'll tell her, and she come find you later I guess." She nodded her head, and went back to reading. I then got up and headed back to the cafeteria. 

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