Chapter 6

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Kyle's POV 

        I woke up to banging on my door. I let out a low growl. Who is waking me up at 3 in the morning? "Kyle! Please wake up dude, this is an emergency. "  I recognized that voice. It's Marvin. I slowly got out of my bed, and went to open the door, and there stood a very anxious Marvin. Before I could say anything he came on in my room. "This better be good, because I only had about three hours of sleep so far, and I would like to get more before school starts." He sat on my bed. "I had none. I couldn't sleep after what I seen earlier tonight. " He finally said. "What did you see?" I asked sitting next to him. "I saw a girl, or what seemed to be a girl. But she seemed to be sucking the blood out of the thing. Which she then caught me, and took off running. So I followed her, but I stopped when she went to a house. I would have gone further but the house was surrounded with wolfs bane, and my wolf couldn't take it, so I turned around and went to my house. But I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw.  And after hours of thinking about it, I finally came to the conclusion. She has to be what we learned about when we were younger. She has to be a vampire. But all my life I thought they just told us about them to scare us, but now I know. They are as real as we are, and we have one living on our land. What are we going to do Kyle? I mean..." He stopped talking because he looks like he was about to have a panic attack. I knew the exact person he was talking about, but I can't tell him just yet that she is my mate.  "Marvin breathe, everything will be fine. She won't hurt us." "How do you know that? Vampires are evil Kyle, don't you remember anything we learned?!" I then grabbed him by his shirt and pinned him to the wall. I did this for two reasons: to make him calm down, and one for calling Sarah evil. "Not all of them are evil." I said in a low growl. I felt Gabriel about to come in control. Usually when I'm tired like this, Gabriel comes into control more, and it could be over the littlest things. "You don't know that! I saw her, she looked liked a monster. A true monster, and just think what she could do to us!" Gabriel was now in control. I looked Marvin in the eye. I could tell he was frighten. "She isn't a monster! Now I demand you to leave her alone, and I swear if you disobey I will never forgive you. Now go home Marvin, and come back when there is a real problem." I said in my alpha tone. I could tell he wanted to protest, but he kept his mouth shut and went home. Good. I thought. With that I went back to sleep.  

        When I woke up, it was around 5:30, which I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, which I needed to take a shower anyway, so I'll just do that. Even though what happen earlier this morning is over now, I can't help but still be slightly ticked at Marvin. He literally called my mate a monster. She isn't a monster, she is the total opposite of a monster. I know he doesn't know she is my mate, but that doesn't mean he can still call her or anyone in that matter a monster. Which I feel like if he knew she was my mate he would have said anything bad about her at all, because that would be his future sister in law, and hopefully Luna. 

          Once I was done with my shower, I  got dressed and headed towards my truck. When I got in the truck I turned on the radio and headed to school. Today was Wednesday which meant I had two days to convince Sarah to go to the Halloween dance with me. I know she doesn't like crowds, but I would like to take her to at least one dance. When I walked in the building, I saw Parker and Marvin standing at their lockers talking. I was going to go over there, but then I saw Sarah at hers, and I walked to hers instead.  "I know I opened up to you and all yesterday, but that doesn't mean we are anything yet. So I would still like you to leave me alone." She said closing her locker and turned towards me. "Please don't push me away again." I said calmly. I could tell she didn't want to, but she looked like she felt she had to. "Kyle, you are a great guy and all, but I seriously don't want a guy in my life right now, and maybe I'll never want a guy, so please lets just keep our distance from each other. I know we still have a project to do, so we can work on that, but other than that, we should stay away." What she said pained me. Right when I thought she was feeling something towards me , she pushes me away again. I don't know why she wants to keep her walls up around me or anybody in that matter, but if distance is what she wants, I will give it to her, even though it will be painful. I nodded my head, because if I said anything it might just push her away further. She gave me a slight smile, and headed to class. I then saw Marvin and Parker walk over. "What were you doing talking to a vampire?" Parker said with disgust. "That's none of your business is it?" I said back. "We are enemies Kyle, and you are my alpha. I can't just let you be talking to one of our worst enemies and get away with it. They are disgusting, creatures. They drink blood for crying out loud." I pinned him to the locker. "And us ripping wolves and other animals apart isn't disgusting? Just leave her alone, she means no harm to us, and if I find you or Marvin near her I won't stop to hurt both of you!" I said in my alpha tone, and left to go to class. 

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