Chapter 24

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Sarah's POV

     It's August now, and today is a very special day.  I'm currently in Kyle's office working on some paper work that needed to be done. Kyle is currently still sleeping, so I decided to do this for him today because it's his special day. He is turning 19, and he has been the alpha of this pack officially  for a year now. Which he has went through a lot in  his first year of having this job. Once I was done with the paper work  I went down stairs and found Ramona sitting on the couch. I forgot she has to leave to my grandparents again today. Luckily my grandparents aren't keeping her as long as they use too. "I guess we should head over there," I told her. She nodded her head. She looked like she was going to tear up. I knelt down in front of her. "Don't cry Ramona we will see each other again soon," "I don't want to leave you," "I know, I don't want you to leave either, but you have to go to school, so you can learn how to have control when you get your powers," I stated wiping off a few tears that was rolling down her cheek.  She smiled, and we headed out the door.  

      After my grandparents picked her up, I took my time walking back to the house. While walking I heard rustling in the bushes near me. I stopped walking and listened.  I could tell whatever was in the bushes wasn't intending to hurt me. I could feel happiness come off of him. I smiled. I knew exactly who it was. "Oh no, the young Luna is walking around alone...." I heard a paw behind the bushes move a little. "Hopefully nothing attacks her..." I said while walking a little bit forward. I heard them move. I knew he was trying to be quiet, but I guess he forgot I can hear every little detail when I want too.  While walking I then heard him jump out from behind the bush. And he landed in front of me and started to play growl. "Oh no, a huge wolf what ever shall I do." I said with a smile trying to act scared. He just stalked closer to me.  Before he was able to touch me I took off running away from him. I heard his footsteps behind me. I smiled. Before I knew it he stood in front of me, and I bumped into him and fell to the ground. "How?" He just showed me a wolfish grin. His blue eyes glowing brightly. I smiled.  "Well I lost I guess I shall just lay here now," I said laying down. He walked so he standing above me. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact he was going to give. Mainly if I was going to get any wet kisses. I hate wet kisses. When I opened my eyes to see why he wasn't doing anything, he had shifted. Then there laid on top of me was Kyle. I smiled. I knew it was him all this time. He then placed his lips on mine. I pulled him closer to me. I wanted more.  Which I always do .  "Happy birthday," I said when he pulled away. "Thank you, I was hoping I would wake up with you next to me." He said. I smiled. I then realized  that Kyle is completely naked, and we are laying on the ground making out, and anybody could walk by and see us. "Kyle..." "Yes?" He said. "You should get some clothes on." "Why? It's nothing you haven't seen before." He said with a smirk, and I felt my cheeks grow warm thinking about all the times we had in bed.  "Yes, but someone could walk by, and we should head back to the house anyway. We got a party to set up for remember?" He just sighed. "Fine, let's go." He said standing up and helping me off the ground. I tried my very best to not check him out.  It was hard, but I was able to do it.  Once Kyle put some pants on, we headed back home.

    "Marvin! Put the chips down!" I yelled. Currently Marvin and Parker were over helping to set up for the party. I know it's Marvin's party also but the food is for the party , so he shouldn't be eating it until then. "Fine," he said slowly putting the chips down. I just shook my head and headed to the back yard where the party was going to take place.  The whole backyard was decorated with party stuff.  While walking over to where the DJ will be someone tackled me to the ground. "Ow." I said while facing down on the ground. "Oh, I didn't mean it to do it that hard, I'm sorry Sarah. I was just trying to surprise you and I am excited for the party. Again I'm sorry." Alice said. "It's okay, I understand. Anyway happy birthday." I told her once I got off the ground.  She pulled me into a hug. "Thanks girl."  It has been a few hours now since Alice tackled me to the ground, and the party has started. 

Kyle's POV

    I walked around outside, everyone telling me happy birthday. And me responding with thank you. I was glad everyone was wishing me happy birthday but it was a little over whelming. Mainly because I decided instead of just having a small get together with family, I decided to throw this huge party. Which it's common for a lot of Alphas to throw huge parties, so I think I was just trying to hold up to that. Even though I know I don't have to.  While walking around I was only keeping my eye out for one person.  Who I found was dancing with some of the younger kids. I smiled. Seeing her hanging out with the kids makes me think of when we have kids of our own. Right when I walked up to her the kids saw me and bowed their heads. I smiled at them. "Happy birthday Alpha," a little girl said with a huge smile. "Thank you. Now I have to talk to the Luna." They nodded their heads and ran to to go play. Sarah turned to face me. "What if I didn't want the kids to leave, what if I wanted to hang out with them. " Sarah said. "Well you can hang out with them later, because I have been looking all over for you since this party started. " "Oh really," She said with a smirk. "Yes," I said pulling her into me. She smiled. "Well I have been here this whole time, so I don't know how you couldn't find me." I smiled, and pulled her closer and placed my lips on hers. She smiled.  "I would love it was just me and you hanging out for my birthday." I whispered in her hear. I knew she was probably blushing because she was most likely thinking about what we could do if we were alone. "Well it will be just us tonight after the party ends."She told me. I smiled. 

     For the rest of the party we danced, and had an amazing time. Right now Sarah and i were walking inside the house, after saying bye to the last few people.  "Well I'm worn out,  so I'm going to take a shower." Sarah said walking up the stairs. "Could I join? I promise I won't do anything except shower," I told her. I tried my best not to say it with a smirk. She gave me a look saying are you sure. 'You know it's bad to lie to our mate,' 'Who says I'm lying?' 'I know you,' Gabriel said. I just rolled my eyes. "So can I?" I asked again. "Fine, but no funny business." She said and headed up the stairs.  Once in my room, we headed to the bathroom. I could Sarah was nervous. I'm not sure why. We already seen each other plenty of times. 'Maybe she is nervous because she thinks we might try something.' 'Well I'm not going to. You are the one that is usually thinking dirty things anyway,' I told him. 'Shhh.' I didn't respond. Sarah then started to take her shirt off. Then her pants. I tried my hardest not to check her out. She smiled. "You okay?" She asked. "Yep. Perfectly fine." I told her. She just gave me a smirk. I lied I wasn't fine I just wanted to push her up against the wall and kiss every inch of her body.  I then snapped out of my daze, and started to remove my clothes. I saw Sarah trying not to stare at me. I smiled. She then snapped out of her daze and got into the shower.  "I never showered with anyone else, so I'm not sure how this works." She said. I smiled. "Well I could wash your hair for you," She smiled. I then started to massage her head. Which she seemed to like it. Then she started to wash my hair, and while doing that she placed light kisses around my neck and shoulders. I let out a low growl. She was teasing me. Because I said I wasn't going to try anything, so she is testing me.  She smiled against my skin.  She continued to rinse out my hair, still placing kisses on my body. "Sarah..." I said with another low growl. "Yes?" "Stop teasing me," I told her turning to face her. She smiled. I then pushed her against the wall and started to kiss her. Which by the way she was acting she knew I would give in. 

      After our shower we laid in bed just cuddling, and watching tv. After a while she dozed off into sleep. Leo then jumped on the bed and curled up at the end of the bed, and soon falling asleep also. As much as I didn't like that cat in the bed, Sarah insisted that we should let it. And because I love her, and respect her choices, I let her. While I was starting to doze off, I was thinking of the future that Sarah and I would have. Which made me happy, and with thinking that I fell asleep. 

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