Chapter 21

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Kyle's POV

         "Good morning my handsome  boy," I heard Sarah say. I smiled and rolled over to look at her.  "Good morning to you," I said leaning in for a kiss. She then picked up something next to her, and placed it in between us so I couldn't kiss her. "Oh, you thought I was saying good morning to you." "Um, yeah?" I said confused. "I was actually talking to Leo here." Of course she was. She already loves the cat more than me. Even after everything we done last night. And we did a lot. Which that makes me glad she made Ramona's room on the other side of the house, because she is too young and innocent to hear what we done. "How did he even get up here?" asked. "Well, I was up before you, so I got out of bed walked down stairs and brought him back up here. I must also say Ramona will probably be up soon." I looked at the clock, and it was nine in the morning.  "Well, we can't make this a habit. Leo coming in the bed with us in the morning, because I would like to just have you all to myself in the mornings." I said giving her a peck on the cheek.  "That's good to know." She said with a smirk. I bet you tomorrow that cat would be here in the morning.  Sarah then got out of the bed, wearing my shirt I must say, and walked to the closet. Boy did she look good in my shirt. I followed her to the closest, and pulled her into me, so her back was against my chest. She leaned her head back so it was on my shoulder. "You know instead of getting ready we should just stay in here and do what we did last night." I told her. She then pulled away, and faced me. "As much fun that was, we have things to do." She said giving me a peck on my lips and heading to the bathroom. I let out  a sigh, and got dressed. 

    She was right about us having to do things. After we did what we did last night we cuddled, and she told me she was ready to become Luna. So I am beyond happy right now, because I completed the mating process, and the pack and I get our Luna. I can't wait to have her ruling next to me.  "So how is this going to go?" She asked while we walked down stairs. "Well if you want we could throw a party and announce it, or I could just call a meeting and tell everyone." I said while getting stuff to fix breakfast. "A party would sound nice," she said smiling while sitting down at the island. "Party it is," I said returning her smile. 

Sarah's POV

       Last night was probably the best night of my life. Causing me to still be in a really good mood this morning. I told Kyle I was ready to become Luna, I will admit I'm nervous. I also have no clue how to rule a bunch of wolves, but I'm sure Kyle will help me. Currently Kyle was making waffles, I love waffles. While I'm going to see if Ramona is up, she must have been really tired because she is usually awake by now. When I walked in her room, I saw her bed was empty, but her bathroom light was on, meaning she was awake. I waited a few minutes, and she came out already dressed. "I see you have gotten yourself ready," I stated. She smiled. "Yeah I'm a big girl now, so I can get myself ready." I laughed. "Well Kyle is cooking waffles and-" She cut me off by running out of the room. Let's just say she loves waffles more than I do. I followed her down the stairs to see her sitting at the island waiting for Kyle to finish cooking. I sat next to her. "Ramona you didn't let me finish," "I'm sorry, I just love waffles." I heard Kyle let out a laugh.  "Well I was going to say that we have a new edition to our family," I stated, while Kyle placed a plate of waffles on the island. Just looking at them made my mouth water. "Who?" I then got up and went over to where Leo was sleeping.  I then came back in the room, holding Leo. "Ramona this is Leo." "He's adorable!" She screamed. I laughed,and handed her the kitten. "Be gentle." I told her. She nodded her head, and placed Leo in her lap. He started to purr, and rub his head against her hand. I smiled. 

        A few hours passed and Kyle is almost done with setting up the party.  Which I'm currently getting ready for. During the day my grandparents called saying Ramona has to go back with them to go back to school tomorrow. I was sad that she had to leave because I only had a day to spend with her, but I understand why she has to leave. The thing that my grandparents don't have to know about is that I'm telling Ramona not all wolves are bad, so she won't turn out like me and hate every single wolf.  While I was trying to zip up the back of my dress Kyle walked in the room. I smiled. "Do you need help," Kyle asked walking over to me. "Yes Please," I said catching his glance through the mirror. He smiled and carefully zipped up my dress, while placing soft kisses on my neck, making me lean back into his embrace. He smiled. "As much as I love this, we have a party to attend," I stated. Kyle let out a low growl. "Fine." I smiled. We then walked hand and hand down stairs , and waited for guests to come. 

      The first people to arrive was of course Alice, Noah, Devin, Tori, Marvin, and Parker.  "That fur ball isn't going to be running around during the party will he?" Marvin asked me while we walked outside to join the rest of the people.  "No, he is going to be staying in his cage for tonight. " "Good," I just smiled. Once outside everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves. The music was blaring, luckily we don't live near anyone because I'm sure we would get a noise complaint.  I found Kyle also dancing, so I went to him. When he saw me he smiled and pulled me into him. I then started to move along with the music with him. 

Kyle's POV

         A couple hours into the party, I finally pulled myself away from Sarah , and others and made it to the stage.  I signaled the DJ to turn the music off and everyone looked confused but soon turned to look to me. Must say I'm still not that great with talking in front of people. I kept my gaze on Sarah's who was smiling. I returned it. "I'm sure all of you are wondering why we are throwing this party. Well I would like to announce I have found my mate, or in other words our Luna." I was cut off my cheers. Everyone was happy they were finally getting their Luna. I smiled. I then motioned Sarah to come up on the stage. She smiled, and made her way through the cheering crowd.  Once Sarah was on stage , I grabbed her hand in mine. "I now announce to you, your Luna Sarah!" I yelled, and every one cheered again. I heard a few people talk in the mind link. 'We were right that's our Luna.' 'She is so pretty.' 'I love her already.' 'Same, but I wonder what she is.' 'Who cares she is our Luna!' I blocked out the rest and signaled the DJ to turn the music back on and we continued to party to the wee hours in morning. 

Sarah's POV

      When Kyle announced that I was Luna I felt myself gain more power somehow. This power felt better than the power I gained from feeding on human blood. Once the party was over I was worn out. So worn out that once I sat on the couch after saying bye from everyone I didn't even know I fell asleep.  Until I felt like someone was carrying me. I opened my eyes to see myself in Kyle's arms. "What are you doing," I said yawning. "I'm taking you to bed," he replied. He then opened the door to our room, and placed me on the bed.  "I guess you are just going to stay in the dress?" He asked. I then looked down to see I'm still in my dress.  I groaned, and got off the bed heading to the closest to find something to sleep in. I just grabbed the first shirt my hand landed on, and changed into it. I was too tired to care. When I walked back to the bed, Kyle was already laying there . "I will never get over how good you look wearing my clothes. " He said with a smirk. I looked down that I was indeed wearing one of his shirts. I smiled, and got into the bed. He then pulled me into him, and I drifted back to sleep. 


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