Chapter 16

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Ramona's POV  (takes place a couple weeks after Sarah and them gotten back from New York) 

      I was woken up to a door closing. I figured it must have been Sarah, because recently she has left for morning runs.  I have also noticed lately that her and mama aren't getting along well. I'm not sure why. But anyway Sarah stays out of the house most of the day now because of mama. I don't know where she goes while she is gone. We haven't spent as much time together as we use too.  I miss it, but I'm sure she just has been busy with stuff. I mean I have been busy also somewhat. I have been seeing my grandparents a lot lately because they are teaching me things about vampires. I think our next topic is werewolves. Which I'm not sure why we would talk about them because I have met them before, and they seem harmless. Well technically I only met three, but still. 

     Since I probably wouldn't go back to sleep I just decided to get up. I got dressed and headed to the living room. When I got in there mama was sitting on the couch, she looked like she has been crying.  I sat down next to her. "Are you okay mommy?"  She pulled me into a hug. "I'm fine sweetie, just a little upset with your sister. " She said the last part pulling away .   I'm still not sure what's going on with them. "How about you go play," she said with a small smile. I nodded my head and walked out the door. I decided to take a walk because that's what I usually do in the morning. While walking I heard my sister doing what seemed like yelling. I followed her voice, because she usually doesn't yell. I hope she isn't in trouble. 

      I found her pacing back and forth in front of Kyle still yelling about something. "I'm tired of her Kyle. She said she has been researching a way for me not to see you anymore. I just can't stand her! But I can't get away from her because I live there, so there is no other place for me to go." Sarah said while sitting next to Kyle.  He pulled her into him. From what I'm guessing she is talking about mama. What is mama doing to her that is making her feel this bad? "I told you, you can come live with me. She won't mess with you there because she doesn't like my kind." Kyle said.  Why does everyone hate wolves? "I told you I can't Kyle. I can't leave Ramona. Not yet anyway," Sarah said. Why is she talking about leaving me? "I know, but I just hate seeing you this upset." Kyle said flipping Sarah over so she was laying her back on the ground, and he was above her. I saw Sarah smile.  Kyle then kissed her on the lips. Gross, very gross. I don't want to that. I want to know more about her leaving. I don't want her to leave again. I then saw Kyle's teeth come out. "No!!" I screamed. 

    They both froze and turn in my direction. Sarah then pushed Kyle off of her, and walked over to me. "Ramona what are you doing out here?" She asked when she got close to me. "I woke up after you left, and I saw mama crying, and then she told me to go play. So I came out here for a walk. Then I heard y'all saying something about that you are leaving me. And I don't want you to leave me. Then it looked like Kyle was going to bite you." I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. "Ramona, I'm not leaving you. Now what you saw about Kyle he wasn't going to bite me. He was just going to kiss my neck." She said wiping the tear off my face. I gave her a small smile. I'm not really sure she was telling the truth about what Kyle was going to do, but oh well. "I know, how about we hang out today. Just us." My smile grew wider. I was finally going to have a day with my sister. "I thought we were having a day together?" Kyle asked with a pout. Sarah rolled her eyes. "We have had a day together for the past couple weeks now Kyle. I can hang out with my little sister for once." "He can come with us. We can play with my dollies. " I said. Sarah looked like she tensed up. She then knelt back down in front of me. "How about we go to the zoo instead?" She asked with a smile.  I don't know why she doesn't want to go back home, but I'm fine with the zoo. "Okay," I said with a huge smile. I saw that Kyle looked nervous. "You okay?" Sarah asked when she stood back up. "Yeah, I'm fine just the last time I went to the zoo we kind of made a scene. A very big scene." "Well I'm sure it won't happen again. Now lets go."  Sarah said grabbing my hand and leading me to I guess was Kyle's house. 

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