Chapter 3

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Kyle's POV

Once school was over I decided to do my patrol. After a few minutes of patrolling I smelt what seemed to be Ramona. She must have wandered away from her sister again. I smiled at the thought of seeing Sarah again. She seems very distant, but I'm hoping I can change that.  I started to head the way I smelled Ramona. After a couple minutes of tracking the scent I finally found her. She was picking some flowers. I walked up to her, I made sure not to scare her though. She turned around to face me, and I can't describe how happy she looked to see me. I mentally smiled. "FLUFFY!" She dropped her flowers and ran up to me hugging my leg, since she couldn't reach my body. "I didn't think I would see you again. Which I shouldn't be here because my sister said so. She also said you were no good, but I don't believe her. Because if you were no good you would have done something already right?" I shook my head yes Good. I'm glad you aren't bad. I know what we can do." She walked away and picked up a stick. Oh, please don't tell me to go fetch it. "You want to play fetch?" Well I can't disappoint a little girl.  I nodded my head yes. She smiled. "Ok go get it!" She said while throwing it. Of course her throw wasn't that far since she was young but I didn't mind.  When I got it, I walked back over to her and dropped it at her feet. This is how it went for about ten minutes. Right when I was going to fetch it again, I accidentally stepped to close to a rose bush and ended up getting a thorn in my paw. Which this caused me to yelp in pain. "Fluffy! Oh no your paw. " I laid down and started to lick it, hoping it would make it feel better. "Stay right here, I'll be back." I nodded my head, and watched her leave. I don't know where she was going, hopefully she wouldn't be gone too long. While she was gone I just kept licking my paw. After a few more minutes of doing this Ramona returned. And I saw She brought Sarah. I mentally smiled. "Ok Ramona where is your friend?" "He's right here." She said pointing at me. I could tell Sarah tensed up. "Ramona I told you not to go near any wolf. " "I know, but we can't just leave him in pain. I love fluffy, and he needs help." I could tell as much as Sarah didn't want to help she didn't want to make her sister cry. "Fine I'll help." With that Sarah walked over to me, and reached for the paw with the thorn, I let out a low growl. "Stop being a baby and let me see your paw." She demanded. I let her touch my paw. "Well it doesn't look like it went deep," She said looking into my eyes. "Now I'm going to pull it out, Ramona you should probably pet him, because this is going to hurt a little." Ramona nodded her head and came behind me to pet my back. "It's going to be ok fluffy . My sister is great with taking care of things." I mentally smiled. 'I bet she is,' Gabriel said. To not pay attention to the pain I just stared at Sarah's eyes. They were the only thing keeping me calm now. Once the thorn out, I saw my paw was bleeding a little bit, which I wasn't worried about because a small cut like that would heal in a minute. I saw Sarah wouldn't look back up, she just kept staring at my paw, until healed. I pulled my paw away, and stood back up. Sarah however still seemed to be in her daze. I poked the back of her head with my nose. Which that eventually brought her out of it.  "Well it's done now. Ramona lets go. ""But I don't wa-" "I said let's go Ramona." Ramona obeyed her sister and left. 'I wonder what is wrong with her,' Gabriel said. 

After we finished patrolling I came home, and did some paper work, and homework. Which Marvin and Parker came over to help with the paper work. They were still on edge kind of  from when  I almost ripped their heads off for making me late to school. Once I finished all that work, I took a shower, and headed to bed. I was worn out from today, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Sarah's POV

Once I got home I noticed Ramona wasn't here. I guess she was out with my mom somewhere. After doing chores for a while I was finally able to take a break. Right when I sat down I heard Ramona come in. "Sarah!" "What is it Ramona?" I could tell she was about to cry. "My friend he is injured, and I-" "Shh, don't worry ok. Your friend will be ok. Now take me to him, so I can help." She nodded her head,and led me to her friend. Which I noticed we were heading into the woods I told her not to go into, but I couldn't stop and make her upset. Another reason I don't want to deal with a crying five year old at the moment. After a few minutes of walking, we finally made it to where she said her friend was. Which I noticed was a wolf. By the description she gave me yesterday it seemed like the same one. "Ramona I told you not to go near any wolf. " "I know, but we can't just leave him in pain. I love Fluffy and he needs help." I really didn't want to help any wolf, but I could sense the pain he was in, and I don't like leaving things in pain.  "Fine, I'll help."  I walked over to the wolf and sat next to him. I started to reach for the paw with the thorn, and he let out a low growl. "Stop acting like a baby and let me see your paw." I demanded. I touched his paw. "It doesn't look like it went in deep." I said looking into his eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. Come on Sarah let's just help him and leave. "I'm going to pull it out, so Ramona go and pet him , because it's going to hurt a little. " Ramona went to his back, and started to pet him. "Don't worry fluffy my sister is great at taking care of things," Ramona told the wolf. While pulling the thorn out I could feel the wolf's gaze on me. IT's like he needed to look at me in order to feel calm.  Once the thorn was out, his paw started to bleed a little. Oh no. I kept my head down , not paying attention to the red liquid on his paw. Oh how warm, and nice it would feel against my tongue. I could feel my canines get sharper. Stop it Sarah! Now is not the time.  I didn't noticed the wolf got up or that the paw healed until the wolf nudged my head with his nose.  Which I eventually looked back up, once my teeth went back to normal. I looked into the wolf's blue eyes and then I got up. I could sense he was worried, but I needed to leave. I needed to feed this hunger that I was feeling.  "Well it's done now. Ramona lets go." "But I don't wa-" "I said let's go Ramona." Ramona obeyed me and we left.

"Are you ok Sarah?" Ramona asked. Even though she is like me, she doesn't get any powers or anything until she becomes 15. Which I thought after three years it would be under beter control but it isn't. "I'm fine Ramona, just stay in here until mom comes home," I said to her while she sat down on the couch. She nodded her head. I gave her a warm smile, and flipped the tv on. My mother would be home soon, so she will be fine.  When I left the house I took off using my heighten senses, I looked for food. I spotted a deer. Even though my hunger craves something better than an animal this is the only thing I will allow myself to kill, or even eat in that matter. I only had what my hunger craved one time, and that was when my father forced me to. I was glad he was out of my life now, and I would never have to see him again.  I slowly stalked the animal, as much as I didn't want to hurt it at all, I just needed a little bit to calm this hunger. I pounced and sunk my canines into its neck. It hollered. And I could feel tears at the corners of my eyes. I only managed to drink a little bit before my emotions took over. When I let go of the deer it took off. So I was left by myself on the forest floor, crying , once more. Why did I have to be this type of creature? Is always something I wondered every time I take a bite of something. It pains me to do this to do this to a living animal. I love animals, but when I started drinking blood three years ago, I was taught to think of them as food only. Not as kind, loving creatures. And it hurts me to think of them only as food. 

After a few more minutes of crying to myself I headed home. When I walked in my mother was watching tv. "How was your hunt dear?" "It was fine." I said trying to keep my anger in. "Ok, well get some rest, you have school tomorrow." I nodded my head and headed to my room to take a shower. Before getting in the shower I walked through the other dor that led to Ramona's room. I gave her a kiss on her forehead. I hope that she will not feel the guilt like I do one day. I would love for her to stay this sweet innocent little girl but I know that won't happen.  I walked back in the bathroom and got in the shower. The warm water felt nice against my skin. IT made me forget all the and things I ever done in my life, which caused me to relax. I knew this feeling couldn't last forever, and with that I got out of the shower. I put my sleep wear on and got under my covers on my bed. I was too tired to read tonight so I just drifted off to sleep. 

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