Chapter 4

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Kyle's POV

       I woke up on my floor. I don't know how I got here while sleeping but oh well. I walked into the bathroom , and looked at myself in the mirror. Gosh I look horrible. My hair was all over the place,  and I had dark circles under my eyes. With that being said I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and combed my hair. Well I guess that is as good as it's going to get. I told myself. Once I came out of the bathroom I went to my closet and got a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and got dressed.  Once I was done getting dressed I grabbed my keys off my desk and headed to school. 

    When I got of my truck, I noticed all the girls staring at me. I just shrugged it off and walked inside and right when I walked in the door again all the girls stared at me. I noticed my sister standing at her locker so I went to ask her what's up since she is a girl, so she could possibly know what's going on. Because let's face it most guys including me don't pay attention to things.  Right when I walked up she closed her locker, and turned towards me. "Alice, do you know why all the girls today keep staring at me?" "Well, the Halloween dance is coming up, and since you are like the number one hottest guy in our grade,  and probably the school, all the girls want to be your date." Alice replied. A dance? 'I know the right girl to ask,' Gabriel said. Which I knew exactly who he was talking about.  "So is that all you wanted, because I got to go meet Noah, and then go to class?" "Yeah, that was all." I told her. With that she left. "Dude these girls are checking you out, I wish I was that lucky." Parker said coming up to me. I just laughed. "So which one of these pretty ladies are you going to take?" He asked checking some of the girls that walked passed us out. I smiled, and started to look around for Sarah. Which when I was about to give up she walked in the door. And man was she stunning. Her blond hair was in waves, she was wearing a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt, and a jean skirt. 'I'm in love,' I heard Gabriel say. "Uh Kyle?" Parker said pulling me out of my daze.  "I'm hoping to take her." I said pointing to Sarah. Parker looked to who I was pointing too. "She's hot. I wonder what it would feel like to just be with her. I can picture it now me and her-" I grabbed Parker by the shirt and pinned him to the lockers. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. She is mine , and only mine. If I see you anywhere near her I'll beat your ass." I said with a low growl.  He looked scared out of his mind. "Yeah, I'll back off. She's all yours." "Good, now get to class." I said letting him go. After he left I went over to Sarah at her locker. 

"Can't you know when to leave a girl alone?" She asked. I smiled. "Well you are in a good mood this morning." "I was until you came to bother me." She said closing her locker and walking to class. I followed her. "Ouch." I said holding my chest like it pained me. I could tell she wanted to smile, but right when she was about to she put her emotionless face back on. "Did you want something? Or did you just decide 'hey, let's pick on her today?'" "I actually did want something." I said looking into her eyes. I will never be able to get over how pretty her eyes are. "Well?" "Oh, right. Um I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the dance on Friday?" I asked hoping she would say yes. Every second she didn't say something the more I got nervous. "I don't do dances, so no." Ok that actually did hurt, but I'm going to get her to say yes somehow. "Can you just go to this one, for me?" I asked  grabbing her hand, and hoping my she would feel some type of connection with me from the mate bond or something that will make her say yes. Because Gabriel needs her near. "I don't know what type of wolf thing you are doing to me, but the answer is still no. " She said pulling her hand from mine. She started to walk away. I grabbed her arm. "Can you at least tell me why?" I asked. "I don't do dances, or dates, or anything like that. Now I have to get to class, so please just let me go." I did what she said. I watched her walk off. I didn't know I was still standing there until I heard the class bell ring. Fudge, I'm late to class. I slammed my hand against the locker. I know she is distant , but I didn't think she was this distant. I want to know why she keeps all these walls up in the first place. What is so bad that she is hiding? 'Whatever it is, we will still love her.' I nodded my head with what Gabriel said.

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